Page 58 of Twin Warriors
The Korok tilted its head to the side, “I know you. I sold you to the desert pirates weeks ago.”
“Yeah you did. Thanks for that.” Cole heard the dry, humorless tone in her voice and wondered what the trak his little mate was thinking.
“What do you want?” The Korok asked, clearly getting annoyed by the interruption.
“Well, now that you asked… I want you to let the warriors you have in that cage go… I want you to surrender to them… and I want you to tell me about the other humans you took from my planet… Oh, and while you're at it, I want a Grande, Iced, Sugar-Free, Vanilla Latte with Soy Milk, but that might be asking a bit much.”
Cole had to bite his lip from chuckling at his little mate. She stood there, her arms crossed over her chest, glaring at the five much larger Korok soldiers that had weapons aimed at her.
Fearless, he thought, shaking his head.
“Kill her!” The Korok roared, waving a dismissive hand in her direction.
“Before you do that,” Amy called back, “At least tell me how many humans you took from Earth. It’s the least you can do for tearing me away from my home.”
The leader growled, turning back to face her.
“Four. Now kill her!”
“Wait!” She called out, rewarding them all with an exasperated groan as he turned back to her again.
“Is that a no for the coffee?”
The Korok growled, shoving past a soldier as he marched towards Amy with his hand curled around the pole in a white knuckled fist.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” She said, narrowing her eyes at him.
“Why not?” He asked but didn’t slow.
From the tops of the roofs, Emi and Tope landed beside her, their large bodies covered in a shimmering black scaled suit, just like Amy had worn before. He glanced down at his arm, seeing that the black ooze was gone. He tried to move his fingers and smiled when his arm obeyed.
He reached for his leg, feeling the machine obey his every command.
He rose to his feet, reaching out a hand to help Cane to his feet, before they both helped Iron up.
He turned back to Amy, who still stood with her arms crossed, no sign of the symbiotes on her skin.
Tope snarled loudly, baring his long, deadly fangs. Emi followed, the sound echoing off the walls of the buildings around them.
“I will tell you one last time. Surrender.”
The soldiers next to the cage all backed away, their black eyes wide as they took in the sight of two huge night beasts at Amy’s side. Two of them lowered their weapons, making the wiser of the only two choices they were faced with, and got to their knees.
The leader was not as smart. He ran forward, raising a small side weapon from his hip and fired at Amy in rapid succession.
Cole stepped forward as he watched the energy pulses whizz through the air towards Amy, unable to do anything to protect her. She just stood there, her arms lowered at her side and smiled.
The energy pulses hit her chest, making an unseen shield around her body shimmer, before the black scale like armor shimmered back over her body, covering her from her to toe.
Cane chuckled with a shake of his head.
Cole eased his grip on the bars, watching as Amy, Emi and Tope made quick work of the three Korok males. The two soldiers died far too quickly in Cole’s opinion.
The leader was pinned beneath Tope, his snarling fangs a breath away from his face.
Amy ran over to the cage, opening the gate with the help of her symbiote and jumped into his arms. He felt the suit move off her skin and flow onto his, Cane’s and Iron’s body, helping them get full control over their enhancements again.