Page 62 of Twin Warriors
Iron raised a hand and gently rubbed at the intricate markings on his skin.
“There is a lot I need to tell you, old friend. For now, let's get back to the compound. I’m tired, dirty and want to care for my mate.”
Amy stiffened. “Iron? What about us?”
He still hadn’t said anything about Emi and Tope being allowed to go back with them.
Iron turned to her and crossed his arms.
“Call them to us, Amy.”
She bit her lip, frowning at the huge warrior in front of her. Cane placed a reassuring hand on her back, while Cole gripped her hand in his.
She called for Emi and Tope, watching as they approached from the other side of the transport. When they rounded the craft, Lace stumbled back, reaching for his weapons, only to be stopped by Iron’s hand.
“No. Sheath your weapon, Lace.”
Lace’s eyes went wide as he watched the two huge beasts move to stand beside Cane and Cole. The twins each reached out, gently stroking their necks and smiled at Lace.
“What the trak happened out here?” Lace breathed, putting his blade back onto his hip.
Iron turned to them, his red eyes burning with intensity. He looked first at Emi, then at Tope.
“The Iron compound is filled with children,” He began, “Scared females that need my warriors to protect them. It is a home… a family. There are over three hundred people that put their trust in me. In my ability to keep them safe. Today you proved to me that true warriors come in all shapes and sizes-”
“Iron, these are night beasts!” Lace barked, his deep, disapproving frown pissing Amy off.
Iron spun to the male, “No! These are Iron warriors, just like you and me. They are welcome to call the compound their home if that is what they want. I would be grateful for their assistance in keeping all those under my care safe.”
Lace just stared at Iron for a long moment, before his eyes moved to Cane and Cole, who were still stroking the beast's soft black fur. Amy peeked up to see both men grinning at Lace.
“We would be grateful to finally have a home, Iron,” Emi said, making Iron turn back to them.
“Then you are welcome to return with us. I will ask you to be patient with those that live there. They will need time to understand, just as I did. But I give you my word, you will not be harmed.”
“Who are you talking to?” Lace asked, frowning deeper.
Amy flicked out a finger, sending a thin band of black to wrap around Lace’s arm. He jerked, trying to swipe it off, but gave up when he saw the same band around Cane’s, Cole’s, and Iron’s wrist.
“He is talking to us,” Tope said in that deep, scary voice he liked to use sometimes.
Lace paled, his eyes bugging out even more. “Did you just speak to me?” He asked, his eyes glued to Tope.
“Yes. Is there going to be a problem with us, warrior?”
Lace frowned, before his lips twitched and he smiled. “No. I trust Iron and the twins with my life. If they say you are Iron warriors, then it is so. Welcome to the family.”
Amy smiled wide, tears of joy burning her eyes. She could feel the relief pulsing through her from Kisma and Maku. This is what they wanted all along. A home. A family. A place to belong and to help do good. To use what they were, what they could do to fight for those weaker. A place where their kind could live, and maybe thrive again.
Emi stepped forward, moving slowly as she approached Lace. He stood still, watching the beast. Emi lowered her head and rubbed her face over Lace’s hand.
He swallowed, gingerly raising his hand to run it over Emi’s thick furry neck.
Amy felt the brush of his touch as it touched the thick collar of her symbiotes and saw that his words from seconds ago were true. He was afraid but would hold true to what he said. To what Iron had said about them being welcome. The connection faded away and she pulled in a long breath.
Things were working out well so far. Now all they needed to do was go back to the compound, convince three hundred people to not lose their shit when they saw the beasts, and find the missing humans.
Cane pulled her towards the transport, waiting for Emi and Tope to climb in before he led her to the seats at the back.