Page 65 of Twin Warriors
“Amy, we-”
“Just get into bed. We can figure it all out tomorrow. I want you both to hold me.”
Without another word, they both stripped off their clothes, leaving only the short black underclothes they wore under their uniform, and slipped into bed on either side of her.
Amy shifted, curling her back into Cane and wrapping her arms around Cole. With a long sigh, she settled in and fell back asleep.
Cane lay still, waiting for the awkwardness of the situation to fill his mind, but it never came. In his mind, he was in his bed with his mate. He smiled, closing his eyes, and let himself drift off to sleep.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Cole woke at the first sight of light from the large windows. Amy had one arm thrown over his chest, her hair a tangled mass covering her face, and her legs twisted around Cane’s legs. His brother lay on his back, his metallic arm resting on the pillow above his head, and his other arm trapped underneath Amy’s neck.
Shaking his head, Cole carefully climbed out of bed and took a moment to run his gaze over Amy. She may be tiny, but she takes up a lot of space on the bed, he thought when he noticed that through the night, he and Cane had been pushed to the edges of the bed.
Glancing up at the windows, he saw the two curled masses of the beasts sleeping on the balcony.
With one last look at Amy, Cole turned and made his way to the bathroom. He was still dirty from the sands and wanted to wash off the sweat and grime. When he saw the shower, a huge smile spread over his lips. Iron had a lot more than just the house staff cleaning this home for them. By the looks of it, he had someone build a custom-made shower that was big enough for three people, with three shower heads in the ceiling and a long bench against the wall.
Stripping off his clothes, he stepped into the glass box and turned the water on. He groaned when the warm water washed over his aching body. It had been a hard few days in the desert. The stress of searching for Ice and their friends, the worry for Amy and the injuries he had gotten were all making his body stiff and sore.
Washing quickly, Cole stepped out of the shower and dried off. With the towel wrapped around his waist, he left the bathroom and went to the wardrobe to find a clean uniform.
Movement from behind him made him turn to see Cane trying to untangle himself from Amy’s limbs without waking her. He smiled, having to bite back a chuckle when his brother almost fell to his knees on the floor when Amy moved and grabbed his underclothes as he was getting up.
Finally, Cane managed to get free and rise to his feet. He met Cole’s eyes, gave him a nod of greeting, and moved to the bathroom. A moment later, he heard the water running in the shower.
Turning back to the wardrobe, Cole pulled out his uniform and placed it on top of the corner of the bed.
He really didn’t want to leave. For the first time, he wished he could just shrug off his responsibilities to the Iron compound and stay in bed all day.
When a chime on his com rang out, he sighed. There is no running from what needs to be done, he thought as he looked over to read the message.
It was from Iron, informing them that they had three days off from their duties, and where to spend that time with Amy.
A wide grin spread over his lips when he heard the shower turn off and Cane step out, still wet and dripping water onto the floor. They locked eyes and smiled.
Three days? Cane said in his head.
Three mates… three days.
With a nod to each other, Cole dropped the towel and moved to crawl over the bed. Cane did the same and slipped in beside Amy.
Cole’s cock stirred and rose to the thought of finally being able to seal their bond in a dance as old as time.
He gently pulled the covers off her body, drinking in the way she slept with utter abandon.
Amy moaned, rolling onto her back. Her night shirt lay bunched around her waist, giving them a perfect view of the soft black curls between her legs.
“Trak, she’s so beautiful.” Cane said, taking in the sight of her sprawled out on the sheets.
Cole ran his hands over the smooth skin of her legs, taking his time to feel every inch of her warm, soft skin.
Amy groaned again, her eyes fluttering open. She met his eyes, a lazy smile spreading over her face before she raised her eyes to peer up at Cane.
Desire glowed in her green eyes, her body firing up with a scent that drove Cole crazy.