Page 64 of Twin Warriors
“Follow me,” Iron said, stepping away and moving towards a wide set of stairs leading up to the higher levels of the building. Cane followed, trying to think of where he was taking them. The first three floors were nothing but bedrooms for the warriors that lived in the building. They were all occupied.
The fourth floor was a massive exercise room, rehabilitation center and the communications room.
On the fifth floor there was only storage.
They quietly followed Iron as he climbed one floor after another, until he paused by a set of large double doors on the fifth floor.
He turned to them, his eyes dark, “When Ice and I built this compound, we always thought we would one day have children of our own. This building was to be a home for us all. Sadly, we were never blessed with children, so the living quarters we built for them became storage. After I learned that the two of you had found your mate, and that she accepted your bond, I knew you would need a place of your own. I had the staff work on fixing the home we built for our child, so that it would be ready for you. Your things have been moved here as well. If there is anything else you need, let me know.”
Before Iron could walk away, Cole stopped him with a hand on his arm, “Iron? Why? There is still a chance you and Ice will have a child.”
Iron grinned, “Perhaps. But if we do, we can build another home. For now, you need it,” His smile fell as he looked down at Amy sleeping in Cane’s arms, “She has done more for me than I will ever be able to thank her for. So have the two of you. You have a family now. A… strange and… unique family, but it’s all yours. Cherish it.”
With that, Iron turned and walked away. Cane exchanged a look with Cole, before they turned to the doors. Cole pushed them open and stepped in. Cane followed and stopped short when he saw their new home.
The space they entered was a large, high ceiling lounge area, with a big white sofa around massive windows looking out at the forest. A wide balcony extended from the windows, with a table and three chairs tucked in beside it. The railing from the balcony was so close to the forest, he would be able to touch the leaves of the trees.
To the right of the open lounge area stood a solid stone dining table with ten chairs tucked in around it.
Further to the right, through two large archways, was a kitchen, with stunning stone features and soft, grey stone floors.
To his left was another set of doors. Cane motioned for Cole to open them and waited.
Beyond the doors was a high, arched passage, with tall arched windows along one side. He followed Cole down the hallway, pausing to check behind each door along the wall.
There were two large bedrooms, a bathroom, an exercise room, and a small storeroom filled with all kinds of supplies the house workers thought they might need. At the end of the hallway, stood another set of double doors. Cole pushed them open to reveal the impressive master bedroom.
A bed big enough for five cyborg warriors stood against the far wall in the center of the room, surrounded by thick wooden poles that ended in a finely carved canopy. More large, arched windows lined the wall to his right, and to his left, a bathroom opened. Tall, solid wooden wardrobes were placed against the wall by the entrance, with a soft, plush seating area in the corner. The windows opened to another balcony, looking out at the trees.
Through the door to the bathroom, Cane caught a glimpse of a large stone pool in the center of the floor, and the corner of what he hoped was a large glass shower.
He looked over at Cole, who smiled as he took it all in.
“It’s perfect for her,” Cane said in a low, quiet voice.
Cole turned to him, “It’s perfect for us, Cane. For all of us,” He gestured with his head to the balcony. Emi and Tope strode past them and pushed open the floor to ceiling windows to lay outside under the starlit sky.
Cane moved over to the bed, carefully laying Amy down on top of the sheets. She was so tiny in the huge bed that it made him chuckle.
He bent to take her shoes off, while Cole went to the bathroom and retrieved a small bowl with warm water and a cloth. They worked together to strip the dirty clothes off her and clean her up. When she was washed, Cane went over to the wardrobe and pulled out a small red sleeping shirt. He went back to Amy and helped Cole dress her into it before Cole lifted her up so Cane could pull the blankets down. Once she was tucked into bed, they stood, each on either side of the bed and crossed their arms.
Cole spoke first. “I sleep on the left side of the bed.”
“I sleep on the right.”
With that settled they both frowned.
“Do you snore?” Cole asked.
Cane scowled, “No! Do you?”
After a moment, Cole sighed and dropped his hands to his sides, “This is going to be harder than I thought.”
“No, it’s not,” Amy said from the bed, making both men look down at her. She lay on her side, watching them with tired eyes.