Page 69 of Twin Warriors
Sena chuckled, a glow of amusement shining in her large orange eyes, “We don’t know. Iron has had her locked up in their residence for the last three days. But judging by the sounds coming from there, I would say she is just fine.”
They all chuckled, and Amy began to relax.
“What about Steel?” Cole asked, his voice taking on a more serious tone.
Roam sighed, his one mechanical eye flashing. “He will live. Smoke and the other scientists are fitting him with the latest prototypes in enhancements. Physically, he will be fine. It is his mental state I’m worried about.”
“Why?” Cane asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
“It’s like he’s shut down completely,” Lace said, rubbing a hand over his face, “He does everything the healers tell him to do, but he doesn't speak, or engage or anything. It's like he’s a shell. The only time he spoke, he asked for his goddess to come back to him. I think he might be lost, Cane.”
“He went through something so horrible that anyone would want to shut down, Lace,” Amy said, needing to defend the poor man. They hadn’t seen him strapped to that cross, butchered and in pain, “He needs time. He needs to know that he isn’t lost in that terrible place anymore. When I cut him down, he was begging me to kill him. Give him a chance to remember that he’s alive.”
“Maybe you should go see him,” Roam stated, sitting forward, “You are who he thinks was his Goddess. Maybe if you spoke to him, it would bring him back.”
She glanced up at Cane and Cole to see what they thought of it, but the worry and hope in their eyes told her what she needed to know.
“Yeah, I will. I’m not sure I will be able to help, but I can try.”
Cane placed a soft kiss to her head, mumbling his thanks into her hair.
Another chime rang at the door. This time Cole rose to answer it. Iron and Ice walked in. by the look on Iron’s face, he wasn’t too happy to be dragged away from his home.
Amy stood when Ice approached. She was stunning, with long, thick white hair that flowed down her back. Her bright, shining pale blue eyes locked onto Amy as she came closer. Amy could see the hint of silver sticking out from the waist of her shirt where her enhanced leg ended, and the small patch of metal on her chest, just above her breasts.
“Hi, Ice,” Amy said, smiling at the woman.
Ice didn’t say a word, she just walked up to Amy and pulled her into a tight, warm hug. Amy wrapped her arms around the much taller woman and waited.
When she finally pulled away, Amy caught the glint of tears in her eyes.
“Thank you, Amy. I’m sorry for barging in on you like this, but when I heard the others were coming to visit, I had to come see you.”
“That’s okay.”
Amy wondered for a moment where their symbiotes were, but her curiosity was abated when she saw the thick black mass moving between the lines of Iron’s mechanical arms.
“Where are the beasts? I need to thank them as well.”
“They went hunting,” Cole said. Emi and Tope had left a few hours ago to hunt in the forest. Amy suspected they just needed to get away from all the noise she was making.
A deep blush filled her cheeks at the thought that they must have seen them first thing this morning. If they did, they didn’t say anything.
“I am so glad you have joined our family, Amy,” Ice said, smiling up at Cane and Cole, “They deserve to be this happy.”
Iron came closer, wrapping his arm around his mate’s waist and pulling her into his side.
“There is something we need to speak about,” Iron said, his face falling to a grim frown.
Cane nodded, motioning for them to all sit down on the sofas. Once they were all seated, Iron leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees.
“We may have a lead on the missing humans.”
Amy gasped, sitting forward, “Where?”
“Grom and his gang were working with the Korok to bring the Iron Militia down once and for all. After studying the weapon that was used on us, we now know how to defend ourselves against it. When Smoke took it apart to study it, he found that it uses a component from Zelos.”
“Trak,” Cane groaned, letting out a long breath.