Page 76 of Twin Warriors
Now! Cane barked in his mind. They both rushed forward to grab Amy, but she vanished from sight in the blink of an eye. They stopped, frowning as they searched the room, but she was nowhere to be seen.
Cole jumped when he felt her slap his ass. He spun, trying to grab her, but his hands only found empty air.
Cane jerked when he got a slap on the ass, a low growl coming from his brother.
“That’s not fair, little Sila,” Cane called, turning in a tight circle as he searched the room.
“All is fair in love and war,” Amy replied. She was close. He could smell her.
Cane, Cole said, getting his brother's attention.
Cane met his eyes, understanding dawning when Cole took in a long breath through his nose.
Cole pulled on all his senses. He listened, filtering out the sound of the soft breeze in the trees beyond the open windows, the faint voices of people outside and the heavy pounding of his and Cane’s heart.
There. Faint, delicate footsteps. She was walking towards Cane.
Behind you… Now!
Cane spun, grabbing the invisible form of Amy, and drawing her up against his body.
Amy squealed, before it turned into a laugh. She faded back into view, her eyes dancing with joy and her arms thrown around Cane’s neck.
“How did you do that?” she asked.
“We have our ways,” Cole said, going over to them.
“Now that we caught you,” Cane said as he pressed her into Cole’s chest, “We get to have our way with you.”
She laughed, shaking her head as they moved her to the bed.
Chapter Twenty-Six
Amy waited as Cole shut the door to their home and linked her arm in with his. Cane walked on her other side; her other arm hooked in with his enhanced one. Her stomach fluttered at the knowledge that close to fifty warriors were going to be waiting to meet her in the main eating hall.
They were already running almost an hour late thanks to the twin’s inability to keep their hands off her.
Emi and Tope strode behind them as they reached the stairs and made their way down.
At the bottom, Amy’s heart jumped when she heard the loud, animated chatter coming from the open doors to the eating room. She tightened her grip on the men, her legs feeling shaky as they approached.
The moment they entered; the room stilled as everyone turned to look at her.
She bit her lip, her face flushed as she ran her eyes over the huge warriors that littered the wide-open space. Most of the back wall was open, allowing the cooler night air to flow from the garden beyond. Four thick pillars held up the high ceiling, with long tables standing in rows over the open space.
Cane pulled her forward, heading for the long table closest to the open wall.
She met Ice’s eyes, feeling a little better to know her friend would be close. She sat beside Iron, whose place was in the center of the table. On her left were Sena, Lace, Roam and the two females she had seen with Ice earlier.
Beside Iron was Dio, Smoke, and Razor. Cane led them to the three seats that stood vacant beside Iron and helped Amy sit. Once Cane and Cole sat down, she grabbed their hands under the table and squeezed. She really wasn’t good with big crowds of people, especially not when she was the center of attention.
Risking a peek, Amy glanced up at the warriors and found each set of eyes she looked at glued to her.
Iron rose, his heavy stone chair scraping on the floor.
“Stop staring, you're all making her nervous!” He called, only to have laughs erupt in the room.
When the warriors grew quiet, Iron spoke again. He told them of the desert, of how brave he thought she was and how much she did to save Ice and Steel.