Page 77 of Twin Warriors
She listened with half an ear trying to get her nerves to calm down. If she didn’t get them under control, she would make herself sick.
Another pulse came from Kisma, making her jerk in her seat. She peeked at Cane and Cole, but they either didn’t see it, or tried to ignore it.
Iron was still telling the warriors about the desert and how she had saved their lives.
Amy ran her thumb over the markings on her wrists and begged Kisma to tell her what was wrong. She tried to show her how worried she was about them both in the hopes that it would convince the symbiote to finally tell her what was happening.
Flashes of images ran through her mind so quickly, she frowned as she tried to make sense of what she was seeing.
“Oh my God!” Amy barked out far louder than she intended when the images finally made sense and slapped a hand over her mouth.
The room stilled to an uncomfortable silence. She heard her own heart pounding in her chest.
“Amy?” Cane asked, his voice laced with concern.
She turned to him, feeling all the color drain from her face when she met his worried eyes.
“Get a medic!” Cane called, reaching out to her.
“What?” She asked, her thoughts scrambled.
“What is it, little Sila, tell me, please.”
“Is she allergic to the wine?” A voice called from the hall.
“Maybe it's a delayed reaction to something she ate,” Another called.
“It’s the symbiotes!” Another shouted.
Amy was shaking her head as Kisma sent her the same image again.
Cole was by her side, kneeling next to her chair.
She looked over at him, blinking to try to focus on his handsome face.
“Amy, are you ill?” He asked.
She shook her head.
“Razor!” Cane barked, “You have medical training. What is wrong with her?”
Razor filled her vision, shooting out questions that made no sense to her.
“No,” she said, hating how everyone looked so worried.
“What?” Cane asked, taking her hand into his again.
“I’m not sick.”
“I knew we should have been more careful with her,” Cane snapped, pinning his brother with a glare.
Everyone was talking at once now, making her head spin. Cane and Cole were arguing, Razor was asking her what she ate and drank, Iron was demanding a healer be brought in, Ice was trying to tell her that she would be okay. It was all too much.
“I’m pregnant!” Amy called out over all the voices.
Again, the room fell into utter silence.
“What?” Ice asked after an uncomfortable long, and quiet pause.