Page 81 of Twin Warriors
The warrior that had been there only a moment ago had run back to help the others free those still stuck in the collapsed hall. She had been replacing the nano healing injection when someone brushed past her and pricked her arm.
Amy’s knees buckled, but she never hit the floor. Strong arms caught her and lifted her up against a firm body, before she was carried out of the small side door and into the cold night.
Amy pushed her mind to stay awake as she was carried towards a small transport hidden in the dark of the trees.
She tried to call out for help, but her mind swam in and out of darkness. Reaching out for Kisma and Maku, she felt them fighting to protect Cane and Cole as the twins battled with an army of Korok soldiers.
She couldn’t leave them unprotected. That was her last thought as the male holding her climbed into the transport and darkness fell.
Amy jerked awake when something heavy slammed closed right beside her head.
She groaned, pain splitting her head and tried to focus on where she was.
It was dark in the space, with only a small sliver of light coming from the tiny window far above her. She lay on a hard, damp floor, her white medical suit soaked from whatever was pooled on the ground beneath her.
She pulled in a long, harsh breath, the smell of damp soil and mold filling her nose.
She rolled to her back, squeezing her eyes shut as more pain tore through her head.
She blinked up at the darkened ceiling, willing her mind to crawl out of the hazy fog it was still stuck in from the drug that was used on her.
Reaching for her wrists, she mentally called out to Kisma and Maku to see if they could help her. When all she got was an empty silence in return, panic began to set in.
She slowly climbed to her feet, using the wall to her right to steady herself and took a proper look around her. She was in a small cell, with walls on three sides and thick metal bars on the fourth.
The cell was completely bare, only the tiny window by the ceiling and the bars.
Amy gripped her wrists again, calling out to her symbiotes with desperation, but again, only a silent void greeted her. She shuddered when she tried to call for Emi and Tope and got the same empty response.
She tried the bars, pulling at the gate, but it was no use. She had seen these types of bars before. If four Iron warriors couldn’t get them open in the desert, then she had no chance without her symbiotes.
Stepping closer to the bars, Amy peered out at the narrow passage in front of her cell. She could just make out the edge of a door on the one end, and a stone wall on the other. The passage was long, telling her that there must be more cells next to hers.
“Cane… Cole… Please find me,” Amy whispered, closing her eyes as she realized where she was.
If Kisma and Maku couldn’t reach her then the only place she could think of was the Korok fortress. How had they gotten to her in the medical unit? Who had taken her?
The memory of her being taken away was very hazy, but she was sure it had been a warrior that had carried her out. At least, she thought it was. The male was large and strong, like the Iron warriors, and he smelled like the soap they all used. When he picked her up, Amy could have sworn she felt the hard metal of an enhanced arm under her back.
No, she thought, shaking it off. There was no way one of Iron’s warriors would do something like this. Over the few days she had spent in the compound, she saw how much all the warriors respected Iron.
But someone must have betrayed the warriors. That poor woman who had come in just before the explosion was the same quiet, shy server that had brought her and Ice that delicious pink drink in the garden. From what Ice had told her, Itukra had been with them for almost four years. She was saved by Iron and Ice when she came into the medical center after she was badly abused by a gang member in a dark alley.
Ice had taken her under her wing and helped her heal, inside and out. She was offered a place at the compound and from what Ice said, the female never left the grounds.
Tears welled in Amy’s eyes at the memory of her stumbling in with her body covered in blood and a look of such fear in her eyes that it ripped at Amy’s heart.
Resting her head against the bars, Amy let a soft sob escape at the thought of someone being killed in such a horrible way.
“Hello?” A soft, female whisper came from a cell to her right and Amy snapped her eyes open.
“Hello? Who’s there?”
“Oh my God! Amy!”
A cold shiver ran over Amy's flesh.