Page 80 of Twin Warriors
“Go do what you need to do. I will go with Ice and help with the injured.”
“I’m not leaving your side, Amy.”
“I’ll be okay. Ice will be with me, as will a bunch of other warriors. You need to help find whoever did this. Go.”
He stared at her for a moment, torn between his duties to his friends and brothers, and his responsibility to keep her safe.
Ice came over, wrapping an arm around Amy’s waist. “I will keep her safe, Cane. She will be with me at the medical unit. There will be plenty of warriors around to watch over her. Iron will need you and Cole.”
He let out a breath, relaxing his clenched jaw and looked up to meet Cole’s eyes. His brother was just as torn between what to do.
Amy reached out and grabbed both their arms. A second later, he felt the movement of the black symbiotes run over his skin.
“Kisma and Maku will help you. You need them to protect you more than I do right now. Go.”
“Go, Cane. This isn’t up for discussion.”
He scowled at her as he felt the cool scales of the suit form around his arms, chest, and legs. It stopped by his neck, leaving his face exposed.
He pulled her closer, “You stay safe, you hear me. At the first sign of trouble, you call the symbiotes back to you. I need you to be safe Amy, please.”
She rose on her toes and gave him a hard, brief kiss.
“I will be. Find who did this and kick their asses.”
He couldn’t help the small grin that pulled at his lips. He gave her one last kiss, then released her so she could go to Cole.
Cane spun to Lace and Dio, “If we find any on the grounds, I want the kill.” He growled.
Lace chuckled, “They’re all yours, Cane. We all know better than to get in your way when you get like this.”
A savage smile spread over Cane’s lips as he let just a touch of madness into his mind. He may have dreaded it when it was plaguing his mind before they found Amy, but there was no denying that he was unstoppable when he got like this.
With one last glance at Amy, he gave Cole a nod and watched as Ice pulled her towards the large medical building on the other side of the gardens. Once she was out of sight, he allowed the symbiote to cover his face and shivered when he felt the surge of strength rush over him.
With an animalistic snarl fueled by the black organisms, he shot out of the hall and headed towards where he could feel Emi and Tope on the far side of the compound.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Amy rushed to keep up with Ice as they ran for the three-story building not far from the main gates of the compound. Ice had told her that it was the free clinic she had set up for the people of Mura, but now it would be used as a hospital and triage center for the injured warriors.
They entered the ground floor through large metal doors that parted as soon as they got close. Inside, Amy was shocked to find that it looked a lot like an ER from Earth. Beds lined the walls to the right and left, with people rushing to get to the injured. There was a lot more tech here than a normal hospital, with white arms that extended above each bed. She watched as one arm moved over a warrior that lay on a bed, a blue line running over him from head to foot, before a hologram of his insides appeared above his body. The medics around him immediately sprang into action when they saw the damage to his legs.
Ice gripped her arm and led her to the back of the room. She paused by a door and waited for it to open. Inside, Ice took out two white one-piece suits and handed Amy one.
“For the blood,” Ice said, pulling it on over her clothes. Amy did the same, having to tuck her dress to the sides when it bunched at her hips.
Once they were dressed, Ice led them to the first cot and began explaining how the scanner worked.
It didn’t take Amy long to get the hang of it, and soon she was moving around the medical center, scanning each new patient as they came in, and sending them to the designated area for treatment.
The worst of the injured were taken to the second floor, where most of the scientists were ready and waiting to do surgery if needed.
Most wounds were minor, already being taken care of by the cyborg's nano healing ability. She found that many of them only came in to get an injection of fresh nano healers, only to run out of the door again to help with the rubble.
Amy was so focused on what she was doing, that the slight sting in her arm went almost unnoticed. At least until she started to feel dizzy, and the world spun. She gripped onto the bed for balance, trying to focus her hazy vision to see where Ice was. All she saw were dark shapes moving around the space. She was by one of the cots in the far corner, away from the main part of the room.