Page 79 of Twin Warriors
“Amy?” He asked, moving to look if she was alright.
Her face was covered in dust, a small cut on her cheek, and her eyes wide with panic, but she looked fine otherwise.
“Cane? What happened?”
“I don’t know. Stay down,” He ordered, keeping his body over her as his ears rang. Boots pounded around them as warriors poured in from the open doors of the garden. Loud voices carried through the rubble as male shouted for medics.
Cane felt a hand on his shoulder and spun to see Cole standing beside him. His brother was also covered in dust and his shirt was torn, but the rage that burned in his eyes told him that he was fine.
“Iron?” Cane asked.
“I don’t know,” Cole coughed, “I can’t see him. Part of the ceiling came down, blocking our path to him.”
“What the trak happened?” He roared.
Roam came closer, cradling his left arm to his chest. Cane could see the bone sticking out through his flesh as blood dripped to the stone floor.
His enhanced blue eye glowed for a moment, before he turned to the side and projected the image of the female as she entered the hall. He let it play frame by frame. They watched as the female fell to the ground before the explosion erupted from her body and tore through the hall.
Cane clenched his jaw when he understood what had happened.
“Who did this to her?” Cole asked when the image vanished. Cane felt Amy stir under him and he rose. She was covered in her suit, her head exposed as she took in the devastation of the room around her.
Warriors carried the injured out through the garden doors as medics stood ready on the soft grass. Rubble and large chunks of stone lay in crumpled heaps around the space. He could see limbs sticking out from under the rock as more warriors came to help free those trapped.
“Are you alright?” Cole asked, coming over to Amy.
“I’m okay. Just a bit shaken.”
“Is this another Korok attack?” Cane asked his brother.
“They’ve never done anything like this before.”
“How did they get to the female? They would have had to get into the compound and into the female residential building.”
Ice ran into the room, her pale blue eyes burning with rage.
“Iron!” she called, scanning the room.
Dark black liquid moved over her body as she too became engulfed in a scale like suit.
She closed her eyes for a moment, then let out a long, relieved sigh.
“Is he alright?” Lace asked her.
She nodded, “Yes. He was hurt but he will be fine. He is trapped behind the rubble. He and the other warriors are trying to get to the door leading to the rest area.”
“Emi? Tope?” Amy called, twisting to look around her. After a moment, she let out a breath and nodded, “They’re fine. They were in the garden when it happened. Tope said he picked up a scent from the housing building. It’s Korok.”
“Trak!” Lace roared, throwing a fist into the table, “I am getting really tired of them attacking our home. I believe it's time we returned the favor.”
Cane nodded, a savage smile spreading over his lips. “Yes, I think so too, my friend. They have gone too far this time. They have declared war on the Iron militia with this attack.”
Cane needed to help the others track whoever had attacked them, but he didn’t want to leave Amy alone.
“Cane,” she said, pulling his arm so he would turn to her.
“Yes?” He asked, hating how angry his voice sounded.