Page 87 of Twin Warriors
He straightened, his yellow eye glowing with anger.
“You have fight in you. Good. You’re going to need it.” He snarled, before turning and storming out of the prison. When the door at the end of the hall slammed closed, Amy let the tears fall.
She was in serious trouble. They needed to get out, now. There was no way she would let Cane and Cole walk into what was obviously a trap for them.
No, she thought, I need to figure this out myself.
Rising on unsteady legs, Amy wiped at the tears on her cheeks and ran her eyes over the room once more. The small space was made entirely of thick, solid stone, with the heavy metal gate in the front, and a small window at the top.
Over the last hour of watching the window, Amy realized that it didn’t lead outside, but to a hallway on a level above. Even if that was an option, the window was far too small for her to climb through.
The door at the end of the hall opened again, making Amy back up against the far wall.
She waited to see what would happen next, only to have her skin turn cold when she saw four Korok soldiers dragging Sam and Rachel by their arms. Both women were unconscious, with blood streaking down their faces.
“Sam!” She called, running to the bars.
They walked past her, before the sound of another cell being opened carried to her. They tossed the two women in, shut the cell gates and walked out without a word.
Once the door closed, Amy called out to them.
“Sam! Rachel!”
“They’re out cold, Amy.” Mika said, her voice barely audible.
“Why? What did they do to them?”
“They must have fought again. They don’t like it when we fight them.”
More tears spilled from Amy’s eyes as the image of her sister's face covered in blood filled her mind.
With more desperation burning in her blood, Amy took another long, careful look at the gate to her cell.
The thick metal bars were embedded into the rock, making knocking them free impossible.
She studied the hinges of the gate but couldn’t see any way of getting those open.
Then her eyes landed on the lock. It was an old prison, like something from a medieval castle in Europe.
A small, careful grin pulled at the corners of her lips. She reached up, feeling for the long, thin pins she had used to style her hair for the dinner, and slipped one out. Amy had no idea how to pick a lock, but she would be damned if she wasn’t going to try everything she could to get them all out.
Slipping two pins into the keyhole, Amy spent the next hour twisting, turning, bending, probing, and trying to get the feel for how it would open.
So when the lock clicked, she almost cried with joy. Slipping the pins into her hair, Amy eased open the gate slowly, and peered out into the hall.
It was exactly as she expected. One long passage with a large stone door on one end, and stone wall at the other end.
“Only one way out,” She mumbled to herself, easing out of her cell.
She moved silently over to the cell beside hers and found Rachel laying in a crumpled heap on the floor. She moved to the next cell and stifled a cry when she saw her sister in much the same position on the floor.
Moving to the last cell, she found Mika sitting in the far corner of her cell, her legs pulled up to her chest and her head resting on her knees.
“Mika?” Amy whispered, pulling the pins out of her hair.
Mika looked up and Amy’s heart broke at the sight.
Mika looked so pale. Her usually tanned skin was as white as a sheet, her eyes puffy and filled with tears and her plump figure had withered away to nothing more than skin and bone.