Page 95 of Twin Warriors
Cane raised his hands at his sides, pausing his approach.
“It’s alright. You are all safe now.”
“Stay back, cyborg!” The smaller of the two called, “Stay the fuck back!”
“No!” Amy’s voice called, before she ran over and stepped in front of him. With her back to his chest, Amy raised her hands to protect him, bringing a small grin to his lips.
“It’s okay, Sam. This is Cane. He’s my mate. He won’t hurt you. None of these men will.”
To emphasize her words, Cane wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his chest.
The masks of the symbiotes moved off their faces and revealed three human females. The smaller of the three looked a lot like Amy, with the same hair, nose, and eyes. The one with the hurt arm was a bit taller, with hair the color of the sun, and the third one had hair as black as the night sky.
“Amy?” Sam asked, a deep concerned frown pulling at her brow.
Amy moved away from him and approached the females.
“It’s okay. I swear. Cane and Cole came to get us out. They won’t hurt you; I promise. They are my mates.”
The female’s eyes went wide as she took in his large body stained with Korok blood and his enhanced arm.
“Your mates? As in… plural?”
Amy smiled, looking at him over her shoulder. “Yeah. Over there is Cole, my other mate. They’re the most incredible males I’ve ever met.”
He smiled at her, his heart warming at her words of affection towards them.
“Are you serious?” Sam asked, pulling Amy away from them, “You’re sleeping with them? Amy, you have no idea what the cyborgs are capable of. You didn’t see what they did to Mika.”
“It wasn’t them; Sam. Shadow and his people are sick in the head. The Iron warriors would never hurt a woman in any way. Please, just trust me. We need to go.”
It took a moment, but the females finally relaxed enough to agree to leave with them.
When he glanced at the third female cowering away from him behind the others, anger bubbled inside him again.
Shadow had fallen into the madness all Arusians feared many years ago. It was what drove him to betray his own kind. The unspeakable things the male did still left a vile taste in his mouth when he thought of it.
If this female was so afraid of enhanced males, then he dreaded to think what Shadow had done to her.
Stepping away so she wouldn’t be afraid, Cane went over to where Iron and Cole stood speaking. Lace and the others were rushing off the transports that could now safely approach the fortress and moving through the structure to take care of any Korok left inside.
“Are the females alright?” Iron asked when he stepped up to them. Cane glanced over at his mate as she helped the other two get the last one to her feet.
He turned back to Iron, “Amy was hurt, but it does not look serious. The symbiotes on her body will heal any injuries. One of them is Sam.”
Cole let out a harsh curse as Iron frowned. “Sam?”
“Amy’s sister. I believe these are the females Amy told us she was waiting for when she was taken from her home. One of them has an injured arm, and they all need medical attention. They look starved and beaten. The fourth…”
He clenched his fists at his sides at having to say the words out loud.
“What is it, Cane?” Iron asked.
“I fear Shadow may have hurt her… violated her.”
A deep snarl came from Iron as his body tensed. Bright, glowing eyes zeroed in on the door Shadow used to escape.
“Lace!” He barked out through his com, “Find Shadow at all costs! I want the male brought to the Iron compound alive. He will be used as an example of what happens when a male forces himself onto a female!”