Page 98 of Twin Warriors
Amy smiled, her eyes stinging. It was so good to see her little sister coming back to her old self.
She was still far too thin with dark purple bruising on her face and arms, but the light she always had in her eyes was starting to return. She would be okay. They all would.
Yes, there was still danger out there but there always was. Even before she left Earth, the risk of a car accident or a robbery at the store hung over their heads. They would just have to deal with the danger as it came. As long as she had Sam, Cane, Cole and her friends close, they would be fine.
After the food arrived, the twins insisted on both females eating everything on the plate. They refused to take no for an answer, so she and Sam had happily obliged.
When Sam started dozing off, she gave her sister a kiss on the head and left her to sleep.
They made their way to their home, which had been saved from the explosion. The eating hall had been built as an extension to the main part of the building so even though the roof had come down, the rest of the structure was intact.
Cane opened the door for them when they got to their home. Emi and Tope came bounding over to her, almost pushing her over as they rubbed their faces over her chest.
“Hey, you two,” Amy said, wrapping her arms around the large beasts.
“It is good to see you are well,” Emi said, her bright green eyes lifting to meet hers.
“I’m glad the two of you are okay.”
“We were not permitted to go to the fortress,” Tope growled, pinning Cane with a narrowed eyed glare.
“Good,” Amy said, pulling the males head to look at him, “You would have been hurt.”
“We are predators, Amy. We know how to fight. We have a right to protect you as much as the warriors do.”
“I know you do. And from now on, you two can help Cane and Cole keep us all safe. My sister is here, Tope. She and my two closest friends were the humans the Korok held at the fortress. I can’t wait for you to meet them.”
Emi gave her another rub on the chest, before she gripped Tope’s ear and pulled a growling, whining night beast to the balcony by the large white sofas.
Amy turned back to the twins, “Thank you,” she said, moving to give them both a kiss.
“For what?” Cole asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
“For making sure they stayed safe. Tope will get over his anger, but it would kill me if anything happened to them.”
Cole bent to give her another kiss before Cane took her hand and led them all to the bedroom.
Her mates took such care when they undressed her and helped her into the large bath in their bedroom. Cane sat behind her, helping her wash her hair, while Cole moved to the other end, making sure to wash every inch of her skin.
Amy really was fine, but she wouldn’t dare tell them to stop. She loved how much they cared. As much as she would have loved to grab them both and make passionate love to them all night, she understood they needed to care for her at the moment. They would have plenty of time for that in the future.
Chapter Thirty-Four - Lace
Lace sat in Iron’s office with Cane, Cole, Roam and Dio. Sena was still at the fortress, trying to gather all the vital information they could use against Shadow.
The traking cyborg had vanished into the countless tunnels under the fortress before anyone knew where he had gone. Once Lace found how he had escaped, they had searched every tunnel for days, but found nothing.
“Any news on the females Rachel told us about?” Iron asked, easing back in his chair.
“No,” Cane said, rubbing at the markings on his flesh wrist. He and his twin brother, Cole, had found their bloodline bond. A pure mate that was destined to be theirs.
Amy was a small female from Earth, who had changed all their lives in a matter of days. Not only was Amy bonded to two Arusian males, but she was also carrying their children. On top of all of that, she was bonded to a strange black symbiotic organism that could morph and change into several various things, like a body suit that would protect her from most weapons. It could also form wings strong enough to lift an enhanced male into the sky and turn invisible.
Lace tried not to envy others, settling for the life he was given, but he had to admit… he envied the twins for their ability to use the symbiotes when needed.
But that was not all their little human mate brought to their lives. The two large night beasts that lay in the sun in the corner of Iron’s office were another addition Amy had brought to the Iron Militia.
“What did we learn from the information gathered at the fortress?” Iron’s voice broke Lace out of his thoughts.