Page 30 of Educating Emily
Chapter 12
Emily lifted her head from the pillow and glared into the darkness. She didn't need the alarm she had set on her phone to tell her what time it was. The knock on the door said it all.
Most service subs should have reported to the cafeteria by this time, the ones who were ‘rented out’ with one partner all weekend long were always treated a little differently. She’d been told what to expect, of course, but this was the first time she’d ever played this hardcore before with any Dom. But knowing Derek or his staff would come and collect her from Professor Rogers, and feeling the feelings associated with all this were just… weird. She wasn’t at all prepared for how different it felt.
It was standard practice at the Ranch for girls who played through resort events to undergo a wellness check of sorts. It was just Master Derek’s way of checking to make sure everything was all right with the submissives under his care. He checked before they went to play, he checked afterward. He checked all the time, she knew this. And yet now that it was actually happening, she felt almost like a hooker being collected by her pimp.
It wasn't Derek's fault; this would never be his intention. This was just his way of verifying that rules were followed, and boundaries respected. She heard his booming voice at the door and cringed.
Thankfully, before she passed out, Professor Rogers had let her put on the robe he had taken from her that first night, so her naked and marked body wasn't on display for the room. Groaning, she rolled over on the bed to face the men as Master Derek greeted Professor Rogers.
"Good Evening, Master Cole. I trust that your weekend went well and that your sub behaved herself… within reason."
"It was a very nice weekend, and my sub was very well behaved. Within reason."
"Oh good. Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I need to get Emily checked out and back to her dorm for the night."
"Checked out?"
"At the infirmary. Standard procedure. Check to make sure all is well and no irreparable damage was done. Do a quick check up and usually they are sent on their way with some arnica and ibuprofen."
Emily groaned as she listened, making no move to get off the bed. She had forgotten about the check-ups, having never done a full weekend before, she’d never had to be subjected to one, so it was an easy thing to forget. A trip to the infirmary was the last thing she wanted to endure right now, but once again, she knew it was just Derek being Derek and looking out for her best interests.
Still, when he motioned for her, she didn't move.
He frowned as he moved toward the bed. "Emily, are you okay, darlin’?"
"I am. Promise. Just exhausted and having trouble getting motivated to move." She forced herself to a sitting position and Professor Rogers handed her the shoes she had worn that first night. Clutching them in her hand, she tried to stand and almost fell over. They both caught her, helping her to her feet. Derek put an arm around her waist to hold her steady and she could have sworn he glared at Professor Rogers, as they hobbled out the door with Derek holding her up.
“Remember your promise,” Dalton called from the threshold.
Let him know if she sub dropped. She nodded, waving her hand to show she remembered, but as soon as the door closed behind them and they were safely down the hall at the elevator bank, Derek whirled on her.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Because I swear, I'll fire him right now."
Emily's heart raced at the threat. She was thankful for Derek’s loyal defense, but he had jumped to the wrong conclusion. Leaning against the wall to steady herself, she put a hand up in front of her. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm fine, I swear."
Derek's eyes narrowed and his bushy eyebrows furrowed together. "You don't look fine."
"Well, I'm sore. All over. And I'm exhausted. And I feel a little off, like maybe I'm starting to come down with something, but I swear Professor Rogers didn't do anything wrong. He was nearly a perfect gentleman, I promise."
The tension on Derek's face eased, but he didn't stop frowning.
"Still," he growled, "let's get you down to the infirmary so Nurse McIntosh can check you out."
"Yes, Sir." Inside, Emily groaned. The infirmary, located at the end of the hall that separated the Little’s Wing from the main resort, split into two sides. It had two separate entrances and a curtain down the middle that was usually kept closed when both nurses were working. There was the hotel nurse, for guests, and for submissives such as herself, Nurse Cain. And then there was Nurse McIntosh, who was technically the head nurse, but who worked primarily with the Littles. She had a reputation for being very strict, often making her patients submit to humiliating and sometimes unnecessary procedures after she made them strip down to nothing. Emily had only been to the infirmary twice and both times she had been lucky enough to see Nurse Cain. However, on a Sunday night like this one, Nurse McIntosh would be running both sides. Apparently, Emily’s luck had just run out.
The elevator dinged and opened. Derek didn't bother acting as her human crutch this time. Instead, he scooped her into his arms and carried her like a baby.
"It's faster this way," he grunted. "You're slow as molasses in an ice storm."
She was tempted to argue, but she didn't have the energy, so instead, she threw her arms around his neck and clung to him with her eyes closed as they made their way to the infirmary. She really did feel like she was getting sick.
She didn't open her eyes until Derek set her on her feet and Nurse McIntosh’s stern voice ordered her to strip.
In no mood, Emily squinted at her. "Is that really necessary?"
"Yes, it is. You are scheduled for a full body exam. Standard procedure and you're not leaving here until you get one. Keep me waiting and you'll get a hot bottom to start, and judging by the fact that you didn't even walk in here on your own two feet, I'm guessing you're not really up for that at the moment."