Page 31 of Educating Emily
Not having the energy to argue seemed like the current theme of her life, so Emily untied her robe and shrugged out of it, hyper-aware of the marks on her breasts, thighs and buttocks.
Behind her, Derek whistled.
Nurse McIntosh raised her eyebrows and made a twirling motion with her finger. "Turn around, so I can see what Master Derek sees please. And Master Derek, I can take it from here if you have other submissives to collect."
"I don't, and I want to make sure Emily is okay. She might need some help getting back up to her dorm. I'll go sit out of the way over there and give her some privacy though."
While they talked, and Derek rounded a corner, so she wasn't in his direct line of vision, Emily turned so that her back was facing Nurse McIntosh.
"Well, he certainly got you good, didn't he?"
Cold fingers prodded the flesh on her bottom and Emily winced.
"No broken skin. Lots of surface bruising, but only in safe places. Looks like a belt or strap may have wrapped once with minimal damage. Sitting won’t be pleasant for a few days. I can apply some arnica to help with the bruising and administer some ibuprofen to help with pain and swelling."
Emily didn't want anything for bruising or swelling or pain, but she knew that arguing was futile. If Nurse McIntosh wanted to apply arnica, Nurse McIntosh would apply arnica. Arguing would just end with Emily getting paddled and then having arnica applied.
"Yes, Nurse McIntosh," she answered with a sigh.
"Okay, hop up on the exam table."
Emily obeyed and then watched in horror, as Nurse McIntosh adjusted the table, pulling out the stirrups that were used for pelvic exams. She gathered a tray of supplies that contained a speculum, a large swab, a thermometer, Vaseline, the aforementioned arnica, and some small brown pills that Emily assumed were ibuprofen or the like.
"C'mon now, feet in the stirrups. Don't make this take longer than it needs to."
Emily hated doctors, and especially pelvic exams. She hadn’t had one since she had gotten to the Ranch a year ago, and she especially didn't want one right now, but she gritted her teeth and obeyed, watching as Nurse McIntosh rolled on some bright blue latex gloves, snapping the fingertips for effect. "I'm guessing you’ve had sex in the last 48 hours?"
Emily had had sex in the last three hours and blushed thinking about it. "Yes, Ma'am."
"Well then, we won't do a full pap today, but according to my records, you're about due for one, missy, so we need to get that appointment on the books. For today, I'm just going to take a looksie and make sure there is no undue trauma or serious bruising."
Nurse McIntosh rolled up a sliding stool and settled herself between Emily's legs. Without thinking, Emily covered herself with her hands, blocking the nurse’s view.
Without missing a beat, Nurse McIntosh moved them, placing Emily's hands in her lap.
"No more of that, young lady. Do that again and I'll have to strap you down to the table. Is that what you want?"
"No, Ma'am," Emily mumbled, thoroughly chastised. After this was over, she was going to add medical play to her list of hard limits and avoid Nurse McIntosh at all costs.
The nurse’s hands prodded at the folds of her pussy, and she was mortified to realize that she was stuck in a constant state of arousal. She wanted so badly to cover herself and beg apologies, but she knew she couldn’t.
"It looks like you had an enjoyable weekend," Nurse McIntosh acknowledged with a smirk. "Aren't you a lucky little sub? Lay back now, I'm going to insert the speculum and take a look inside.”
Closing her eyes tightly, Emily did as she was told, telling herself that if she just cooperated, all this would be over shortly, and she would be back in her dorm.
Cold metal was as much of a shock when it was in speculum form, forcing her vagina open, as it had been as a plug, shoved in her bottom with a tail attached.
Thankfully, Nurse McIntosh didn't quite live up to her reputation, and that part of the exam was relatively painless and over quickly.
"It looks like there was some minor roughness, but nothing worrisome." Emily opened her eyes to see the nurse jotting notes on her clipboard. Her glasses fell down her nose as she wrote, and she pushed them up with one finger before setting the clipboard aside. "Roll over onto your tummy. I'm going to examine your rectum and take your temperature, then apply some arnica to the worst of your marks. Then you'll swallow a few pills and be on your way."
It was the ‘on her way’ part that Emily focused on, as Nurse McIntosh, poked and prodded at her most private hole. When she stuck a latex-encased finger inside of her bottom, Emily wished she could safeword. It did not feel as good when Nurse McIntosh did that as it had when it was Professor Rogers. Still, it only lasted a few seconds, and then she could hear the scratching of pen against paper as the nurse jotted down more notes.
"Okay, dear. I'm going to take your temperature now. You need to lay very still and don't squirm for three whole minutes or I'll have to start all over."
As soon as she finished her lecture, the cold thin metal probe of the rectal thermometer slid into Emily's bottom hole. Nurse McIntosh pushed it all the way in and all Emily could feel was the odd sensation of something balancing between her cheeks. A few clicks and beeps let her know that Nurse McIntosh had set a timer and the three minutes began.
Three minutes was an excruciatingly long time when one knew that one false move would begin the torture anew and probably get her punished with a spanking, to boot. Or worse, strapped down to a bed. Emily alternated between intentional breathing exercises and holding her breath and finally the timer went off. She stayed still while Nurse McIntosh removed the offending object and announced her temperature to be ‘perfectly normal.’ She finally exhaled when the nurse said it was time to apply arnica.