Page 41 of Educating Emily
He nodded. "Are you ready to talk about it?"
She shook her head.
"Okay. Fair enough. And what about this?" He waved at the table, indicating the items in front of them. "How do you feel about this?"
"Okay, I guess," she answered honestly. He was testing her limits but not bulldozing over them, and in a roundabout way, she still had control of the situation.
"You understand that if something rubs you the wrong way, you can use your safeword, right? That's what it's there for."
"Yes, Daddy." The honorific felt funny on her lips given that she was still miffed at him, but despite everything, her body and mind betrayed her, and she was glad to be with him. It was better than having Luna fussing over her every second. He was the one who had put her in this state, he was the one that should have to deal with it. It was only fair.
"Good girl." He looked at his watch. "It's about dinner time. What would you like to eat?"
"I’m not hungry." Now that her heartbeat was back to normal and she didn't have a sense of impending and unknown doom, all she really wanted was more sleep.
Curling up as small as she could into a ball, because he was still sitting on the other side of the couch where her feet should go, she laid back down and tucked her new bear under her chin.
"You have to eat,” he said. "And then you can go back to sleep. But dinner first. Choose or I will choose for you."
His tone was calm and even, but she understood that obedience was expected. She could earn a reward or a punishment. And she was so inside out and backward she had no idea which one she really wanted. Her stomach growled, making the choice for her. Comfort food called to her.
"Chef makes a really good mac and cheese," she offered.
"Oh does he? That sounds good. I'll order two of those, but you need some meat to go with it and a veggie. How about fried chicken and broccoli?"
"That sounds fine." It sounded more than fine but she didn't have the energy to be enthusiastic about anything.
He pulled out his phone and ordered the food and then turned his attention back to her.
"You've been feeling really bad, haven't you?"
With tears burning the corners of her eyes, she nodded.
"How come you didn't call me?" he asked gently, reaching over and rubbing her calves.
"You said we didn't have to talk about that until I was feeling better," she whispered. "I don't wanna."
"I did say that, didn't I? Okay, we don't have to talk about it right now, so long as you understand that before the five days are up, we will be talking about it and you will answer for ignoring a direct order."
Emily gulped. "Yes, Daddy," she whispered. "I understand."
"So, no talking about the why, then," he continued softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "But you do need to let me check you out. Daddy needs to see your bottom." He patted his lap. "Come on over here and let me have a look. I caught a glimpse earlier when Master Derek was spanking you, and it did not look pretty. Have you been using arnica?"
"No," she answered with a sigh, leaving her comfy ball to position herself face down over his lap as instructed. She hasn't used any arnica since Nurse McIntosh had applied it Sunday night. She couldn't explain it to him, but since he hadn't been there to comfort her, she wanted to be able to feel the reminders of their time together. Using arnica felt like she was trying to erase it, and honestly, it felt like cheating. She knew her thought process wasn't rational when both he and Nurse McIntosh had instructed her to use some, but it was what it was.
She shivered when he pulled down her pajama bottoms and panties and the cool air in the room hit her tender bottom. When it was exposed, she heard him suck in his breath.
"Goodness, little girl," he said to her, resting a hand on her exposed bottom. "You were quite naughty, weren't you? Daddy had to spank you very hard."
The gentle and caring talk with the use of words like naughty, and him referring to himself in the third person with "Daddy this” and “Daddy that" was doing a number on her, both mentally and physically. She didn't hate it at all, being told what a naughty girl she was, and getting that reminder of how hard Daddy had spanked her. It was oddly comforting, and inexplicably hot.
"Yes, Daddy," she whispered. The title was coming more naturally now, and she had almost forgotten that she was mad at him.
She lay limp over his lap while he massaged arnica into her ass, covering all the bruises and knots left over from their time together, occasionally commenting that she would have to be a good girl, so Daddy didn't have to punish her like that again. She couldn't help it, she melted. His voice was like warm butter pouring over her, and even though her ass was sore, with him there the soreness was a delicious reminder of all they had shared, instead of what it had been earlier; a painful reminder of everything she couldn't have.
Not that anything had changed. If anything, he had become more unattainable, but she pushed those thoughts out of her head and offered her ass up into the air, begging for him. A smack, a touch, a finger in her ass. Anything. She was aching.
Chuckling, he stopped massaging and smacked her bottom. "You are a needy little girl, aren't you?"