Page 42 of Educating Emily
"Yes, Daddy."
"Well, too bad. You're not in charge. Daddy is, and you haven't earned any pleasure."
She whimpered. "You could spank me," she offered desperately. Technically, a spanking wasn't all pleasureful.
Daddy tsked at her, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "Little girl, you are trying to be in charge, and you are not in charge. Right now, Daddy is concerned with taking care of your bruised bottom, not adding more bruises to it. And make no mistake, the next time I spank you, we will have lots to talk about. You won't be enjoying it and there will be bruises." He punctuated his declaration with a hard smack to her ass and added. "If you say one more word that isn't ‘yes, Daddy’, you're going to get punished. And it won't be the punishment you want. I'll plug your bottom, strip you naked and stick you in the corner, and when you come out, you'll get step one, that onesie I bought for you."
That shut her up. Not because she was afraid of the onesie pajama, but because there were only four steps in his punishment plan, and only two of those were things she was okay experiencing.
"Yes, Daddy," she answered, pushing her body flat against his lap.
He chuckled again. She was glad one of them was amused by her current predicament. She wasn't.
"That's a good girl," Daddy whispered. He pulled up her panties and pajama bottoms and pulled her into his lap.
"You did good," he told her, "not earning a punishment, but you didn't do good enough to earn a reward. We will see how dinner goes."
"Yes, Daddy."
No sooner did she speak, then came the knock on the door, announcing that their dinner was there. It was Mia who brought it in, the same friend who had delivered when Emily was naked, collared and chained to a bedpost.
Her eyes widened when she saw her, taking in first Emily on the couch, fully clothed in pajamas, clutching a stuffed bear on her lap, and then the array of items on the table in front of Emily. Emily saw her gaze travel as she took in the situation and then a smile spread slowly across her face. She set out their dinner and then turned and winked at Emily before flouncing out of the room.
Professor Rogers closed the door behind her, and then looked at Emily with a curious frown. "Friend of yours?"
"Well. That's twice we've given her a show. I hope that doesn't make things awkward for you."
"It's fine. Mia can be discreet. It's in our job description."
"Yes, I suppose it would be. Well good."
He said nothing else, and Emily squirmed, twisting a lock of fur on her bear's ear. She didn't like this, chatting like equals, and found herself longing for the quickly abandoned daddy/little girl talk.
He turned away from her then and began fussing with the food. When he turned back, he was holding two plates. One was loaded to the brim, and the other held a generous helping of Mac and cheese, a small chicken drumstick, and a few broccoli crowns. That was the one he handed to her, before sitting down beside her and balancing his plate on his knees.
"Now, I didn't give you too much, so I expect you to eat all of it, like a good little girl with no fussing. If you behave with your dinner, you'll earn a reward of your choice."
He gestured at the small pile of gifts on the table, and she frowned. A real reward of her choice would have involved his face buried between her legs or his cock filling her as he pounded her from behind, but the bubble bath called to her. A steaming hot bath alone in his ginormous tub without the clock ticking down the minutes until he busted in sounded heavenly.
With that in mind, she dug into her plate. Eating Chef's delicious cooking was no chore and as the smells rose up from her plate and tickled her nose, she realized how hungry she was. She had been diligent to order three squares a day, as per Master Derek's orders, but she had eaten only enough to please him if he actually checked. Her guess was that he hadn't.
The gooey cheese and soft noodles settled in her stomach happily, and she ate the whole offering before moving onto the chicken, which was of course, perfectly seasoned and fried to a nice golden brown. She ate the broccoli last. She didn't hate vegetables or broccoli in particular, it just wasn't as comforting or filling as the pasta and chicken had been. When her plate was clean, she grabbed a napkin and looked up at him, while carefully wiping her fingers. He was only half finished with his food.
"Good girl," he praised. "You ate well. You were very hungry, I see. Have you been eating?"
"I have, but probably not as well as I should have," she admitted, hoping that her honesty didn't deprive her of a reward, or worse, earn her a punishment.
"I see. Well, that's why you are here now. Daddy is going to make sure you eat and sleep and take care of yourself like a good little girl should. Now, drink your milk while I finish my dinner and then we will see about that reward."
Only then did she notice the tall glass of milk on the table in front of her. She couldn't help but grimace. Milk was not her favorite, and it would have gone down way easier with dinner, but she wasn't about to pussy out now. The bath was calling her. If she was in the bathroom alone, she could take care of her own needs since he apparently wasn't willing to.
With her eyes scrunched closed, she picked up the glass, tipped her head back, and drained the glass in four long gulps, finishing it before she even really had to taste it. It had been far easier on hands and knees on the floor, slurping it out of a bowl.
If he had a comment for how she’d guzzled it, he kept it to himself and she sat in silence waiting as he finished his dinner. He seemed to eat excruciatingly slowly, and she couldn’t help but wonder if he was always like that, or of he was doing it just to add to her torture.
Finally, he finished, gathered both their plates and empty glasses and cleaned up the dinner so that the only things on the table in front of them were the items he had bought to reward and punish her.