Page 72 of Escape
I let out a laugh. “Yeah, it does. So much has happened since then, but I think it’s important for you to know just how big of a role you played in my life back then. Like I said, I didn’t feel the exact same as I do now, but any time I was around you, I felt like I could breathe, like I could relax for those few hours. I’m not sure I would have gotten through that last year of high school if it hadn’t been for you and the friendship you gave me.”
Huck’s fingers twitched, his hold on my hand tightening. “I wish I would have done more than I did.”
“Are you kidding me? Huck, you did everything,” I insisted. “We were both so young, and you stepped up in ways I never could have dreamed of anyone doing for me. I got those hours of peace with you back then, and I never knew that was all I ever needed until now. You’re giving it to me again. You’re making it possible for me to get through the most difficult time in my life by just being you.”
His chin jerked down slightly. “I’m glad you feel that way, that you can see it as positive. I hope you know I’m going to continue to do everything I can to get you to wherever it is you want to be.”
The corners of my mouth tipped up even higher. “That’s why I feel this way now. Because I believe you’re the person I’ve needed in my life all this time. There’s never been a support system for me, Huck. But I feel a level of confidence now that I’ve never felt before. I don’t think I’m going to run out tomorrow and achieve everything I’ve ever wanted to accomplish, but I feel this glimmer of hope that things might be turning around for me now, that there’s actually a brighter future.”
More tension eased out of Huck’s features, and his lips twitched slightly. “There is, Josie. If there’s one thing I can promise you, it’s that you’re going to get everything you’ve ever wanted in your life.”
“I hope you’re right,” I said softly.
“I am.”
Those two little words were said with such confidence, I couldn’t possibly dream of refuting them. Instead, I turned my attention to Huck’s backyard and allowed myself to relish the stillness and tranquility I was experiencing for the first time in my life.
It was quite some time later when Huck broke the silence and asked, “Would you like to do something?”
“I think this was a big moment for you. A heavy one, but a good one,” he said. He shrugged his shoulders and added, “I think we should do something fun, something that’s going to make you laugh.”
The way this man looked out for me was unbelievable. “What did you have in mind?”
Huck jerked his head toward the doors that led back into the house. “I’ve got a couple of board games inside. I’m thinking you could totally kick my ass in a game of Scrabble.”
“Oh, you know how much I love spelling.”
He laughed. “I do.”
I grinned. “I’d love to play.”
With that, Huck and I went inside and sat down to play a game. Just as he suspected, I totally kicked his ass.
But he didn’t seem to mind.
In fact, I think he liked seeing me win.
And it was that which made it difficult to not feel something deep for him move through me.
Because it was just like it had been for me the day Huck saw my father hit me in the car when he dropped me off at the library. Huck took that heavy moment and found a way to turn the day around for me. He always lightened up those moments with boatloads of fun, and I couldn’t deny how special that made me feel.
I stepped outside into the warm summer sun and inhaled deeply, my eyes landing on Huck.
A smile spread across my face at the sight of him standing outside, leaning against his truck with his feet crossed at the ankles and his arms crossed over his broad chest. He spotted me, saw the look on my face, and smiled back.
Even from the distance, I couldn’t miss the pride etched into every one of his features. If he were standing closer to me, Huck likely would have seen the flush creep over my skin. It was the first time I could recall having anyone look at me like they were proud of me. It felt good.
Of course, I was in a place where I was going to gobble up any good vibes I could get, because what I’d just done hadn’t been easy. I’d just left my first therapy session. After I’d made the decision to get professional help, Huck provided me with great resources he had access to from the work he did at Harper Security Ops in the self-defense and tactical training unit. I did some research, found a therapist I thought would work well for me, and got on her schedule for my first session.
Now that I’d had it, it was safe to say I felt like I was finally on the road to physical and emotional recovery. Yes, both.
Not only had I taken the time over the last week to choose a therapist, but I also visited with my doctor regarding the physical injuries I was healing from. The best part of that appointment was finally being able to take the sling off permanently and being told I could start rehab for it. Since then, I’d gone to my first two rehab appointments and had another scheduled for tomorrow.