Page 88 of Sinner's Storm
“Nope.” Mercy chuckled. “But Montana is the master at talking himself out of trouble. Trust me. That fucker could talk himself out of an execution. Calming Delany down will be a piece of cake.”
Yeah, I wasn’t so sure about that. From my experience, Delany was good with the truth. Not a half-truth, and I knew that’s what Montana was about to weave.
“In the meantime,” Mercy said, turning away from the window. “We need to find this Gale Stevens fucker. Bane says they go way back, but the fucker is damn near untouchable now. Why?”
“Because of his connections to the fire community,” I stated, refusing to look away as Montana paced in front of Delany, talking animatedly. “He is the fire chief of Firehouse 43 for one. He is also close friends with the mayor, but mainly he is the chairman of the board for the 9/11 Community of Distinguished Firefighters. The man is revered. Everyone in the community looks to him when there is a problem.”
“The higher they are, the harder they fall,” Fury retorted, leaning against the kitchen island and looking out into the backyard. “We have the information Sypher gave Storm. I say we leak it to the press and let the chips fall where they may. Fucker can’t talk himself out of murder.”
“You can’t do that until you know what job George had him do,” Bane clipped, clearly annoyed that we were all in his home. I got the good doctor was a private man, but he seriously needed to chill the fuck out. We didn’t want to be here anymore than he wanted us here.
“And the only way we are ever going to know is to find the Retirement Rejects.” Payne yawned. “Have we even looked for those fucks?”
“Well, I can guarantee that Happy is with Virginia in Oklahoma,” Mercy clearly said. “As for Snoopy and Popeye, I have no clue.”
“Snoopy won’t go far. Not with Tessa in the city. He may not want to acknowledge her, but he won’t leave her defenseless,” I affirmed, as Montana threw his hands in the air in frustration. I don’t know why seeing my president on the verge of losing his shit was funny, but he made his bed with my woman and now it was time to pay the piper. Turning, I faced my brothers and added, “The one we need to find is Popeye. That old codger never left George’s side. If anyone knows what George did, it would be him.”
“Bastard could be anywhere,” Payne muttered.
“Find Snoopy and you’ll find Popeye,” I said when Montana stormed toward the house. Brother didn’t look happy. Not one bit. And when he kicked open the back door, slamming it against the wall and shattering the glass, he roared. “She’s impossible!”
“You are so going to pay for that door, asshole,” Bane threatened, shaking his head.
“She keeps asking question after question. She doesn’t stop!”
“That’s because her I.Q. is off the charts,” Bane snarled, getting to his feet. “You can’t just gloss over shit with her. You have to tell her the truth. All of it. Her brain can take it, even if you think her heart can’t.”
“How do you know so much about her?” I asked, looking at Bane.
“Because I knew her dad. We were good friends.”
“No. That’s not all. You’re holding something back. What is it?” I questioned, stepping closer to the man. “You know something else about her we don’t. What is it, Bane?”
I never saw or heard Delany walk into the house, but when she asked the same question I did, I saw Bane stiffen. “Bane, what is it?”
Instead of answering her, the good doctor walked around the kitchen island to stand before her and simply said, “Sweetheart, there is no comfort in the truth when all it will bring you is pain. Please don’t ask me to tell you.”
“Does this have to do with the other stuff?” she asked, referring to the Golden Skulls.
Bane nodded.
I watched as my wife took a deep breath before sighing. “You’re right. I don’t want to know. I’m sorry, Mr. Stone. I shouldn’t have grilled you like that. It doesn’t matter to me. All I care about is my daughter and keeping her safe.”
“That’s what we want too.” Montana groaned. “And stop calling me Mr. Stone. It makes me nervous when you call me that.”
Fury and Mercy snickered.
“Hate to be the voice of reason here,” Vicious piped up from across the room. I didn’t even see him. Was he there the whole time? “But we still need to get Delany and Harlow somewhere safe. They can’t stay here with Bane. Too many people saw us pull up.”
“He’s right.” Mercy nodded. “We can’t do what we need to do if we’re all worried about Delany and Harlow. We need them locked down tight until we clear this mess up. You all heard Maxim and Illyria. We are on our own here. And I don’t know about all of you, but I got the feeling that if we fail to protect them, not only will we have the Italian and Russian Mafia after us, but we will also have to contend with the Golden Skulls. Sorry to say this, but the threat of war looming over my head does not sit well with me.”
“Mercy’s right,” Montana conceded. “One problem at a time. We secure Delany and Harlow, and then we can figure out what needs to be done next.”
“Where?” Fury asked. “‘Cause we can’t hide them at Davenport Tower. Though the building is secure, I’m sorry, Storm, but I’m not putting my girls in danger or anyone else for that matter that lives in that building.”
“Can’t take her to the clubhouse, ‘cause well, she won’t go,” I added.
“Then that only leaves one other place,” Montana groaned.