Page 412 of Bride of Choice
“MINE,” Celuk snarled as Jeh-kal filled the doorway, Odix and Gopher bringing up the rear behind him.
Reaching behind him, Celuk slid the shower door shut and closed the latch.
Jeh-kal barked something at Celuk that had him pausing, his growl easing as he took a deep breath, and reaching for a small jar set on a shelf above one of the shower heads.
Recognizing it for what it was, the stuff that Jeh-kal milked from his fangs, I began biting at Celuk’s jaw as he dipped his fingers into the jar, set it on a lower shelf along the wall, to immediately bring his fingers to my sex and breach me two fingers covered in healing secretions deep.
When a whimper of a noise left me and my hands fell to his biceps to tighten on them, he grumbled, “My Jo ‘kay? Hurt?”
“No,” I whispered, shivering in place.
Leaning in to sniff at me, his deep, happy rumble had my skin prickling with gooseflesh. “I love it when you get all big daddy on me,” I purred softly as I stared up at him.
His fingers pulled out to press back in. His thumb got in on it, brushing my clit until I was grinding into his hand. Those smoky, blue-grey eyes held me captive the entire time, studying, watching, waiting, plotting to make me scream in all the best ways possible.
When I was all but clawing at him, he scooped me up and pressed my back into the wall.
“Fuck me, please,” I outright begged.
“MINE,” Celuk snarled, right as he grabbed the thickness jutting between us, lined us up, and slammed right home.
The noise I made must have proved too much for other occupants of the house.
As Celuk showed me exactly why he was the boss of this household and I happily let him, we were just coming down from that high, Jeh-kal impatient to steal me away from Celuk under the guise of helping me, a soft tap, like someone was knocking on metal, sounded off towards the living room.
“Hello? Is anyone still alive out there? It’s dark in here and I’m scared!” Dace called out.
“How Buu live with Crazy Face long time, not go bald?” Rek grumbled from the living room.
“HEY! I heard that! YOU!” Dace squeaked out.
“Dace not all times like this,” Buu offered in her defense.
“What like other times? What Buu do, ears not hurt, fall off?” Rek kept on.
Dace’s affronted, indignant squeaks were too funny not to laugh. “I’m still right here, wherever here is! I can hear you!”
“Under bath tub, so not wake, see my Jojomine beautiful body, she claims her males,” Rek informed her, Mr. Big Mouth.
A soft curse left me and I clapped a hand to my face as Celuk slowly lowered me to the floor.
If Dace and Rek weren’t distracting everyone, I was sure Odix and Gopher wouldn’t have gotten the jump on Big Business the way that they did.
“One… two,” Gopher counted down.
“What one two?” Jeh-kal asked too late, turning towards Gopher with a frown. This gave Odix the opportunity to jump on Jeh-kal’s back and slap his hands over his eyes. “NOW!” Odix bellowed.
Gopher pressed on the shower door, causing the latch to move, pop off, and the door to slip and open. “‘Pologies,” Gopher called out to Celuk as he shoved him and sent him flying. Grabbing Jeh-kal’s jar to shove it into my spluttering hands, he grabbed me up and was running down the hall towards Odix’s room with me before he called out, “NOW!”
Jeh-kal bellowed and Odix came crashing into the hall. My biggun’s eyes were wide as saucers but the grin on his face was shit eating. “We go!” he barked, scrambling after us.
“You crazy fools!” I called out as Gopher shot off into Odix’s room and Odix followed. Locking the door behind him, he pressed his big body against it.
Jeh-kal came running down the hall, banging on the door until it shook, not long after.
“Mine,” Odix and Gopher growled out simultaneously as Gopher set me down, turned me around to face Odix, and then lifted me up between them.
“You could have hurt someone with that stunt,” I pointed out, but Gopher was a bit busy greasing up his meat with the goo in the jar to then rub the excess on his fingers into my labia.