Page 413 of Bride of Choice
“My Jo,” he growled softly as he came up behind me and nuzzled at my nape.
“No hurt. Careful,” Odix warned Gopher as Jeh-kal cursed them out and sent the door shuddering. A heavy fist slammed back against the door. “Jeh-kal had turn! Gopher and Odix next! Go ‘way! Give back, our Jo has her Cake and Gogo boots!”
Celuk rumbled something at Jeh-kal that had my big, bad Snow Patrol beastie letting out one last vicious growl to stop trying to break Odix’s door down.
“Hurt my Jo, my baby, Odix, Gopher misappear,” Jeh-kal growlingly threatened.
Odix let out a soft, annoyed chuff. “No hurt my Jo.” Glancing down at the state of the enormous erection he was sporting, I thought I heard my bootylicious Cake baby grumble, “Odix worried for Odix cock. Hurt so much for my Jo, might fall off.”
“Aww, Cake, I can fix that for ya.” With an overdone wink over Gopher’s shoulder, I wriggled between them until they set me on my feet.
Odix let out a barked shout as I bent over and wiggled my ass at Gopher, a fact my skinny bean appreciated as his hands fell to my hips and he gave them a squeeze, and my fingers encircled Odix’s angry looking erection to give it a pump.
Bringing Odix’s thickness to my lips, I laved the tip, then took as much into my mouth as I could.
Gopher opted to dip behind me, spread my legs, and bury his face in the promised land and eat me out like nobody’s business, semen seeping out of me from several other depositors be damned.
My hands slid around to Odix’s backside. I grabbed two handfuls of ass and kneaded all that glorious thickness as I urged him to allow me to try and take him deeper.
Odix’s moans, groans, and alternating growls over my head were everything.
“Take. Take now,” he urged Gopher.
Summery sky blue eyes eyes narrowed and Odix bared his teeth at Gopher as my slender male came up behind me, his cock in hand and searching out my heat, to find it and slam right home. Our bodies literally made a clapping sound as he bottomed out but the growl he let out above me drowned it all out.
“MINE,” Gopher snarled viciously. Dropping down over me, one of his hands slid to my throat, the other banding around my breasts, to lift me up, forcing me to let go of Odix’s cock, then whirl us around and drop us down atop Odix’s enormous bed, bending me over the side of it.
Gopher immediately began pistoning into me from behind, taking me like a male possessed.
“Oh- Oh- OH- OH- HOH!” That was about all he could get out as he took me and I met him thrust for bodies slapping loudly thrust.
I needed this, the wild abandon Gopher reined in so tightly.
Odix looked about to intervene, but I shook my head and warned him off.
“I’m fine,” I assured him.
That was about the last coherent thing I could manage as Gopher man-handled me, maneuvering us to sink fangs into my shoulder deep, snarling all the while, taking me more roughly than any of my other males could have without hurting me.
Despite the feral taking, it was still tempered. He might not think so, but Gopher was still in there, in control. He’d never hurt me or Bump. He loved us, and I knew this with every fiber of my being.
Gopher came with a roar, driving deep one last time to grind into me as his cock jerked, fighting the grip my already pulsing channel had on him as I milked him dry.
“My Jo,” he panted out breathlessly. Smoothing my hair out of my face, he sighed in relief as the black left his eyes, leaving only the blue, to find me smiling up at him, blissed out and sated.
Odix let out a plaintive noise to see that look in my eyes.
My smile widened as Gopher reluctantly lifted up and helped me to my feet.
Sauntering over to Odix, my smile remained as I grabbed the jar and swiped two fingers through it. Once I was right in front of him, I made sure I had his full attention and dipped my fingers inside of me.
“What do,” Odix breathed, his gaze fixed on those fingers pumping two deep.
“Getting ready for a soda can cock to lock deep inside of me like it never wants to let go,” I purred as I met his gaze.
Odix looked like he was trying not to swallow his tongue as he watched my fingers slowly saw in and out of me.
“My Jo,” he choked out. A drop of semen pearled at the tip of his shaft.