Page 76 of Bride of Choice
“She’s the best,” I agreed, smiling in my cousin’s direction as she handled this all with a practiced ease that baffled and impressed me. Rosa was a boss. For real.
They were already talking about adding to their brood, and I found myself squeezing my legs shut in sympathy for her and trying not to outwardly cringe.
Maybe I needed to experience it for myself to fully understand that special, butt deep in motherhood connection, drown me in all them babies kinda baby fever like that. Or perhaps it was yet again another failing of mine. Or… I needed to find myself a group of overbearing louts to lighten the burden, to share it with me, and love me unconditionally the way hers are wild about her.
Yeah, maybe it was that.
“Yes. Lindymine good mama, too,” Zhuii agreed, confusing me for all of two seconds.
“Keke’s a good little mini mama,” I agreed, to a prideful grin from Zhuii.
“He means you, silly,” Rosa swooped in to help out.
“Oh,” I blurted, for lack of anything to say to that. My face said it all when I blushed three shades of red, though I tried to play it off, and Rosa and Zhuii shared a private chuckle at my expense.
“Laugh it up, chuckle heads. We all know when I pop out a kid it’s going to be my personality times ten.” With a long suffering sigh, I joked, “I’ll never get anyone to watch them.”
“Baby Jojoknee worse baby Lo denaii,” Zhuii laughingly agreed.
With a sniff, I huffed and puffed out, “My baby will be an angel. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“A demon-angel,” Rosa cackled out, “just like you.”
“Philistines!” My hand waved airily, nails clacking, and then I did the mature thing, sticking my tongue out at them the second they weren’t looking.
My lil Keke girl giggled, spying this, nearly giving me a way, but grinned and nodded when I winked, put my finger to my lips, then mimed zipping my lips and throwing away the key.
Speaking of demon-angels… “Hey, did Boog stop by to see you? We were going to walk together but we, uh- we got split up.” I wasn’t lying, I told myself. Lies by omission aren’t always fibs.
“Boog see Zhuii,” Rosa’s orange-eyed husband said simply.
He wasn’t a male of many words, not with me, but I didn’t mind.
I felt like her mates more or less tolerated me, and appreciated my offers to watch the kids when they wanted alone time with their lady.
Speaking of which… “You guys should go out the next time I come over. Go do whatever it is you do that I don’t need the deets on. Have some you time.” Leaning in, I nudged Rosa. “Get started on the next batch of cuteness,” I whisperingly teased her with a nudge-nudge and a wink-wink that had her laughing, face flushing, and simultaneously hushing me.
Kehko was entering her question everything phase. It was as endearing as it was challenging. The kid had insane hearing.
Speaking of the cute lil devil, my blue furred little niece walked over, frowning slightly as she reached me.
“What’s the matter, Keke girl?” My gaze followed hers but I didn’t understand until I remembered my basket.
“Your basket broke,” she lamented, as if it had a life all its own.
“My basket weaving skills need basket fortifying lessons,” I joked, pulling a box free to hold it out to her. Ruffling her hair as I handed it over, I murmured as I placed a kiss to the top of her blue furred head, “You have to share.”
Lopsided woven basket forgotten, her pretty lavender eyes brightened as she leaned in and gave a sniff. “Mine!”
“Share,” Zhuii rumbled out firmly but not unkindly, watching their eldest as she paused, met his gaze, but eventually nodded, then set the box on the table to carefully take the lid off.
“Meaties and cookies!” she exclaimed, piquing both of her brothers’ curiosity.
A grin stole over my face when two little noses lifted, sniffed, and happy rumbles issued from them.
“I hope you like them.” Leaning towards Kehko, but carefully, knowing she could get territorial about food if she wasn’t thinking before reacting, I avoided pointing at things and just stating what everything was out loud.
“Kehko haves some, mama, pwease?” she asked sweetly.