Page 77 of Bride of Choice
“One. Dinner’s almost done.” Rosa leaned in herself, trying to get a peek in the box.
“Aw, c’mon, mom,” I teased, “just one of each, a little one of each?”
Rosa snorted at my antics, waiting a few minutes before caving. “A small one of each.”
“Brubbers, too?” Kehko glanced to her mother hopefully.
Zhuii sat back watching the byplay, smiling at the pair.
“Of course.” Rosa grinned down at her little one. Kehko always thought of her little brothers. She had a big heart.
“Treats!” I chanted, until both boys were happily clapping and crying out, “Teats-teats-teats!” to my great amusement, Zhuii’s poorly muffled snort-laughs, and Rosa’s long suffering sighs between muffled laughter, because, yes, I am just that much of a pain in the butt, but she loves me anyway.
“You did that on purpose,” Rosa muttered under her breath.
“Dearest cousin of mine, whatever do you mean?” I mock squeaked indignantly.
“You know exactly what I mean-” she started to say.
A sharp rap on the door cut off whatever Rosa was going to mutter to softly chastise me, a familiar pale head of short white hair popping into the room. “Noyel’s outside talking with Gofur. He told me to just go ahead and pop in. I hope I’m not intruding?”
“Bia come,” Zhuii said in way of greeting.
“We eats meaties and treats, Uncle Bia-by!” Kehko exclaimed as she decimated a piece of jerky and got to work on her brownie bite.
“Teats! Teats!” the boys cried out happily between stuffing their faces.
Bia laughed, taking in their enthusiasm. “It’s like I just stepped into a scene from my place,” he joked.
“Oh? Does Mina make a lot of teats?” I quipped, to a sharp ribbing from Rosa that had me grunting, grimacing, and quickly scooting away from her as I laughed my butt off.
Watching us heckle each other, Bia smiled but blushed, content to plead the fifth and wait us out until we were done.
“What brings you all the way out here?” Rosa waved me off when I would have snarkily offered reasons why. I wisely kept my mouth shut. Those elbows fucking hurt! Demon woman!
“Actually, I came here for Joanie,” the male said simply.
“Me?” I spluttered, shocked to hear this. “What- Why- I didn’t do anything.” Erm, at least not that I could recall…
The last time I’d spent any time with Mina I’d been on my best behavior. Kirch was always lurking around and it made me feel like he was spying for himself as much as for Rek. Tarnk and Veck were pretty chill but content to sit quietly while Mina did all the talking. Bia, like his mother, took more of a host’s position when guests were over. I felt like I knew Dorothy’s youngest better out of all of Mina’s males because he reminded me so much of his mother.
Bia laughed at my reaction but motioned for me to follow him outside instead of delivering his message to the entire room.
“Is something wrong?” Rosa fretted. She was starting to get that look on her face, the very one I’d done as I had to avoid in the first place.
“No,” Bia said quickly, so quickly Zhuii glanced between us and his eyebrows shot up.
“Oh. Pssh. I’m pretty popular around these here parts. Who knows! You’ve seen my mad sewing skills. I’m the needle witch of Yetidom. Plus, I’m discreet,” I rambled, tossing my cousin an overdone wink that had that look on her face transforming into a nose crinkling, I probably don’t want to know face, as I made my way over to Bia and he followed me out.
Bia pointed to his ear and then led me a ways away from their little underground home sweet home before he started to speak.
“It’s not Kooky, is it? He’s good, right? Because I told him,” I muttered in hushed whispers, “if he got himself maimed he better hope he cocks toes from it before I get to him.”
“Kooky-” A choked noise left Bia and I felt like my heart had stopped.
“Oh my god, is your uncle okay?” When he didn’t answer fast enough for my liking, I grabbed him by the shoulders and gave him a good shake. “Yo, fuzzo, what’s the dealio?!”
“My uncle is fine,” Bia replied carefully, when he’d managed to get ahold of himself and shove off my grip. I was shaking the poor guy like a ragdoll for a moment there.