Page 80 of Silver & Gold
“Is that your way of arguing with me?” Raider asked. Seth shifted to stand directly in front of him. His thumb stroked along Raider’s jaw. Raider tried to meet his eyes but couldn’t.
“I’m not going to going to argue with you, baby. There’s no arguing with feelings. And there are a lot of things that have happened in your life, a lot of people, that have put those feelings in you. I know they won’t be easy to dislodge, but I’m sure as hell going to.”
Raider swallowed hard. “You’re so damn confident.”
“Yes. Because I know how much I love you, even if you don’t quite realize it yet.”
Raider lifted his eyes to Seth’s. In those emerald depths, he saw that love. He knew it was there, that it was real, and a little more of it worked its way into his heart.
Raider asked, “Do you remember when you asked me why I wanted such rough sex with you but only with you?”
“Yeah, baby.”
“And I told you it was because I felt safe with you.”
“I remember.”
“And it is that, but it’s more than that. With you, I can be honest. About what I want and what I need. I trusted you, instinctively, from the beginning. My body trusted you. Words have been harder, because my head gets in the way. But my body knew you from the start. It’s why I need you all the time. When you’re inside me, I’m completely honest. When you’re inside me, I’m completely myself.”
Seth’s eyes shone with tears. “Raider … that is exactly how I feel when I’m with you.”
“I fucking love you, Seth.”
“Goddamn it,” Seth choked out, “I fucking love you too.”
They crushed their lips together. The kiss was so deep, so consuming that Raider lost himself in it—and was glad of it. This was what he needed. The space that Seth made for him to let go.
Seth grabbed at Raider’s hips then his ass, hauling him in. Their cocks brushed through Raider’s silk sarong and the heavier material of Seth’s pants.
Seth grabbed one of Raider’s legs, hauling it high. Raider jumped up, hooking both legs around Seth’s hips, amazed as always by how strong Seth was. No one had ever held him, carried him like Seth could.
Raider felt Seth moving, but he didn’t care where they were going. All he cared about was the friction and pressure of Seth’s body against his. He breathed in the masculine scent of him, felt the heat and tension that promised him everything he needed.
Then Seth was climbing the steps. Raider moaned as his cock rubbed against Seth’s powerful torso. Seth walked to the bed and laid Raider down. Seth kissed him then drew back a little to look at him.
“Gods, you’re beautiful,” Seth breathed, touching Raider’s face. “So fucking beautiful. I can never get enough of you.”
Raider tightened his legs around Seth’s waist. “Don’t be gentle. I need to feel you. Every bit of you. I need it again and again. Fuck me all day.”
Seth closed his eyes and ground his hard cock against Raider’s. “The things I want to do to you …”
“Do them. I don’t want anything to exist but you.”
“But what I want to do—”
“Don’t tell me. I don’t want to think or decide. Just do it. Anything. Everything. I trust you.”
Seth grabbed Raider’s wrists and hauled them up above his head. He pinned them there with one hand. His other hand reached between their bodies. As Seth worked at his belt, his hand pressed into Raider’s balls through the sarong. He groaned and arched.
Seth pulled his belt free and reached up to Raider’s pinned wrists. “You know your safe word,” he said. When Raider nodded, Seth wrapped the belt around his wrists—and bound them to the decorative balustrade at the head of the bed.
Raider’s pulse quickened. Seth kissed his lips, clearly giving Raider a moment to say the word. But Raider had meant what he’d said. He didn’t want to decide anything. He needed Seth to decide. He needed Seth to take him where he had to go.
Seth drew back and stood from the bed. Eyes locked on Raider, Seth unbuckled his vest and shrugged it off. Then he bent to remove his boots and socks.
Raider squirmed, tugging against the belt, frustrated by the lack of contact. “Seth, come on.”
Unlacing his pants, Seth smirked. “I like this.”