Page 84 of Silver & Gold
Raider’s eyes had closed in contentment, but they opened at the question. “Tell me about your mentor. Marcus.”
Seth swept the cloth across Raider’s belly and chest, clearing away the traces of cum. “He’s … kind. Like you are. He’s coolheaded—”
“Unlike me.”
“You are a little hotheaded,” Seth said, his lips tugging as he cleaned Raider’s throat. “So am I. That gets us into trouble when we’re both hotheaded at the same time.”
“True,” Raider chuckled, “but we manage.”
“Yeah, we do.”
“Give me that cloth. There’s some on you.”
Seth looked down his front and spotted the mess. He started to swipe at it, but Raider sat up and took the cloth from him. He pecked Seth’s lips and said, “I like to take care of you too, you know.”
Seth’s heart warmed as Raider cleaned his chest and belly. “So Marcus is a Curator?” Raider asked as he leaned over to set the cloth on the floor.
“Yes, though he mostly teaches now. Prospective Curators, that is. He teaches history and politics, but he’s a really, really good bowman, so he teaches that too.”
“You don’t carry a bow,” Raider observed, settling into a cross-legged position. “Did he not teach you?”
“Oh, he tried. It’s not my thing. I prefer the chakram. And the sword.”
“Were you bad at it?” Raider teased.
Raider chuckled with obvious delight.
“You like that, huh?”
“I do, actually. It’s annoying that you’re so good at everything else. You kicked my ass that first time we fought in Shalaa. When I challenged you in the stable?”
“You ask that as though I won’t remember it for the rest of my life. And you won that fight.”
“By cheating.”
“Oh, now you admit what you did was cheating.”
Seth had had Raider on the ground. But when he’d brought his sword down to end the fight, Raider’s quicksilver shoulder guard had made its first appearance. It had surprised the shit out of Seth, and Raider had taken quick advantage of that and kicked Seth’s legs out from under him, turning the tables.
“I was trying to make a point,” Raider argued.
“You made your point. Which was that I needed you. And you were right. I wouldn’t have survived the Kesh without you.”
“You don’t think so?”
“No way in Hasa’s hell.”
“So back to Marcus.”
“You’re very curious about him.”
“He’s important to you.”
“He is. He saved my life, in more ways than one.”
Raider’s expression sobered, and his fingers settled on Seth’s knee.