Page 122 of Cruel Steps
Emerson: I miss you, too. So, if you are, then I am, too.
Magic 8-ball: I’m okay with that, then.
Emerson: Good. *Smiling face*
Emerson: So, Holden and I had to share a bed. *Pic attached*
Magic 8-ball: Oh my god, I can’t wait to blow this up. How did he get out?
Emerson: It was touch and go.
Magic 8-ball: Any stories to tell me about the bed?
Emerson: Nope.
Magic 8-ball: Mer…
Emerson: Yes?
Magic 8-ball: You don’t have to hide your feelings from me.
Emerson: I’m not.
Magic 8-ball: If you say so.
Emerson: Fine. I don’t know what I feel. It’s complicated. It’s there, but then he pulls away. I’m tired of being yo-yoed.
Magic 8-ball: You guys should either fuck and clear the air or talk, then fuck.
Emerson: So basically your solution is to fuck.
Magic 8-ball: With Holden, yes. He needs to get out of his head. You both do.
Emerson: I know you said you’re okay with it. But it feels strange to be this open.
Magic 8-ball: I’ve accepted who I am and what I like. If it was Cody, then it would be different.
Emerson: It will never be Cody.
Magic 8-ball: I believe you. I think I know why, but it’s not my place to ask.
Emerson: You’re a good person, Colter.
Magic 8-ball: Speaking of being good… does this mean I get a video?
Emerson: You want one?
Magic 8-ball: So bad.
Emerson: Okay, I’ll make one before bed.
Magic 8-ball: I can’t wait.
Magic 8-ball: And sweetheart, if something happens with Holden, let it. We can all talk about it when you’re back.
Emerson: Nothing is going to happen.
Magic 8-ball: I’m not sure who is more stubborn.