Page 19 of Mama & Pops
“I swear. Give me three years. I’ll come back for him, no matter what it costs me.”
“And back to your brothers,” Pops said firmly. “Liam’s not the only one who needs you. What about the boys here? I saw several who looked like they’re barely more than kids.”
“All of them served in one way or another. All in Nam. Most in my unit. I promised I’d give them a home and I’m trying. But I could use some help.” He looked from Pops to me and back again. “Please. I want to make this a club with its own set of rules. Its own code. We make money, support each other, and stick to our code. If that means we have to skirt the law, we do it. If someone in our territory needs killin’, we do that too. As long as it doesn’t go against our moral code -- which means we don’t hurt innocents and we always protect women and children. It’s not about making a living so much as it’s to give these guys a sense of freedom and control over their own lives. A sense of purpose. Anything else is an added bonus and will go into a club fund.”
“Fair enough,” Pops said. “We never harm women or children.” I thought Pops repeated that last to reinforce there was a hard line there. I agreed with him about the children and mostly about the women, though I was a firm believer that some of the worst people who needed to die were women.
“Absolutely not. There’s a budding drug highway coming through this way. Coming in primarily through military channels, but it’s spreading. They’re taking it in this direction because it’s rural. Most of these guys have problems with heroin. I’d like to keep that stuff out of our territory. And bury any motherfucker who doesn’t take the fuckin’ hint so no one will find even their bones.”
“First thing we need to do is finish building the clubhouse,” Pops offered. “After that, we’ll work on what we’re gonna do with the club. You got a name for it yet?”
“Yeah.” Taz grinned. “I’m gonna call it Bones.”
Chapter Seven
A week later, I was still trying to come to terms with everything Taz had dumped on us. I knew about the Brotherhood. Or, at least, knew of them. That last was the worst part. The fact that I knew about the Brotherhood made me a marked man. No one outside the Brotherhood was supposed to know they existed. And I most decidedly wasn’t part of them. With Taz being with them now, I worried about his son, Liam. Then there was Gracie and her baby.
At any other time in my life, I might have scoffed at the idea of a family. After my first tour in Nam, I decided I never wanted to have to go through what my mother was going through. I could have a woman and companionship, but I didn’t have to bring children into the world. And, honestly, this was the first time I ever realized I could actually have people in my life closer than blood. Not having kids didn’t help me at fucking all. Alex and Gracie were definitely tugging at my heartstrings as much as they did my mama tiger’s.
Looking at Liam as he made his bond with Gracie warmed my heart. The pair had both seemed more than a little lost, but they were helping each other. Along with Mama’s gentle insistence they be together, they seemed to genuinely like each other. Mama said it helped Gracie learn what she’d need to do after her baby was born, and Liam needed a mother figure. I suspected it was a way to help both our young charges feel normal again.
In the week since I brought Mama and Gracie to the compound, I could already see signs Gracie was relaxing. She’d stopped jumping every time one of the men barked out a laugh, or spoke to her, or approached her in any way, really. A couple had tried to make a move on her, but she’d shut them down. Then Mama reinforced the shutdown. That always made me smile. They were a good lot, but a little lackadaisical in discipline.
“What the fuck are we gonna do with this bunch?” Mama muttered under her breath as she stomped inside the common room, which was supposed to be under construction. Currently, me and Mama were the only ones working on it. It would be a perfect place for the guys to hang out together and drink beer. Maybe watch a ball game or play pool. Or, as evidenced by the women who seemed to have descended on the place, fuck to their hearts’ content. Assuming we ever got the fucking room finished. Currently, they were doing everything ass backward. Pretty sure they’d done it on purpose too. Just because they could.
“I’d say whip ‘em into shape like a batch of new recruits, but I’m not sure these guys’d appreciate it.” I shrugged. “They just got outta the service. I doubt they want reminders this soon.”
She stared at me hard, her gaze contemplative. “Or maybe that’s exactly what they need. Lord knows if they don’t start working on the clubhouse again, we’re never gonna get the rooms done.”
I shrugged. “We can try. Taz is leaving today. I’ll run it by him.”
Instantly, her gaze hardened and she glared at me. “He don’t like it, he needs to keep his ass here. He’s left us in charge for the time being, he’ll have to live with any changes we make.”
“God, that tone of voice makes me hard.”
She jerked her head up where she’d been scrubbing on a freshly installed counter -- which should have been done last on this job -- to get the gummy glue off of it. No sense wasting the work already done. I thought she might lay into me, but, to my great and utter delight, she stalked toward me, gripped my face, and pulled me down for a heated kiss.
I tunneled my fingers through her hair, fisting the silky strands in a tight grip. The strawberry-blonde curls sifted through my fingers as I adjusted my grip. Mama clawed at me, trying to get my shirt off. Her little grunts of demand were music to my ears.
When she finally did get my shirt off, I pulled her to me, looping my arm tightly around her back while I found the crook of her neck with my mouth and sucked. She cried out, leaning her neck back to let me have better access while she raked my skin with her nails.
“Guessin’ I ain’t the only one horny as a motherfucker.”
She grunted, her hand going to the front of my jeans where she squeezed and kneaded my cock. I found her breast with my hand under her T-shirt and gave it my own rough squeeze. This was the woman I knew was inside her. She was aggressive. Dominant. And I’d let her be because she needed to be.
Until it was time for me to be even more dominant than she was.
I shoved her bra over her tits to grip soft, warm flesh in my palm. I squeezed roughly, a grip that might well bruise. It was a test. To see how hard she needed this to be. I wanted to give this woman everything I was, and I needed her to know I could take charge when she needed me to.
Mama’s hands went to the fastener of my jeans, undoing them and shoving them down my hips. “Get inside me, Pops.” Her voice was a husky groan. There was still that demanding bite that made my cock ache, but there was also a helpless lust she didn’t even try to hide.
My hand shot to her neck and she tilted her head back, baring more of her skin to me. My gaze bore into hers. “You’re not in charge, woman.”
“I said fuck me, you bastard!”
“Oh, I’ll fuck you all right. I’ll fuck you hard and messy. That what you want?”