Page 20 of Mama & Pops
“Just give it to me!”
I spun her around and bent her over the counter she’d been cleaning, holding her shoulders down when she would have pushed up. “Stay.” I bit out my command at the same time I swatted her ass.
With one hand I unfastened her jeans before pushing them past her ass. Once I got them down far enough to swipe my fingers through her pussy lips to test her wetness, I made my cock follow the path my fingers had taken, slowly shoving myself inside her hard and deep.
Mama screamed, pushing back against me as she gripped the countertop. I supposed this moment made it worth the fact that the guys had built it before they should have. I gripped her shoulder in one hand, her hip in the other, and fucked her. Hard. Letting loose all the pent-up lust and longing and joy and gratefulness I had inside me. How the fuck had I done enough right in my fucking life to be given such a woman as this?
I continued fucking her, both of us grunting with each jarring, staccato smack of flesh on flesh. She screamed again. This time her pussy clamped down on me, squeezing and squeezing until my cock exploded with cum inside the haven of Jo’s body.
I knew the names we’d taken would stick. I also had the feeling Jo and Mike would cease to exist, and it would be Mama and Pops in this world we were being dragged into. Surprisingly, I found I was looking forward to that.
When we both finally came to our senses, it was to catcalls and whistles from a few of the men who’d finally shown up. Likely not to work.
With a vicious snarl, I bared my teeth to all of them. “Get the fuck out. Line up outside the garage in five minutes. Things are gettin’ ready to fuckin’ change ‘round here.”
“You don’t get to tell us what to do, Pops.” One of the younger, smaller men smirked. “You might be all badass and shit, but we’re younger and stronger.”
I tucked my cock away and stalked toward the kid with every intention of throttling the little bastard. Thankfully, the kid and a couple of his buddies around him weren’t complete dumb shits. They all backed up several steps. I still got in the punk’s face, shouting at him like any drill sergeant at a new recruit.
“You wanna stay in this outfit, boy? Do you? Because I got no problem sendin’ your fuckin’ smart ass out the fuckin’ gate.”
“You’re not our leader.”
“Yeah? You might wanna tell Taz that. He’s leavin’ for a while. Puttin’ me and Mama in charge o’ you fuckin’ dumb shits until he gets back. That fuckin’ makes me the fuckin’ leader of this fuckin’ heap of maggot shit.” The kid looked surprised and wary, but didn’t push back. Probably because I could be a scary motherfucker when I wanted to be.
“Right. Yeah. We’ll get everyone together at the garage.”
“You’ll fuckin’ line up in two Goddamned lines at attention. Then you will wait for Taz and me and Mama. You will not say a fuckin’ word and you will not fuckin’ move. If you do, I’ll take it as a sign you don’t wanna fuckin’ be here.”
“Yes, sir.” The youngster snapped to attention before spinning around and marching double time out the door. Everyone followed him without question.
“Well. That was… surprising.” I wasn’t sure if I wanted to laugh or shake my head in amazement. “Don’t let anyone ever say you can’t read people, Mama. You knew what these kids needed.”
“They didn’t realize it when they were in the service because everything went to shit over there. In Nam. I suppose some people know what we were fighting for, but I just wanted to get out alive. Guessin’ these guys felt the same way.”
“What did you do over there, Jo?” I reached out to stroke her wild hair away from her cheek. “Why does the CIA want you? And why do I get the feelin’ you were more than a doctor?”
“Because you’re smart.” She sighed, straightening her clothing. I expected her to be embarrassed to have been caught by the kids fucking. And, let’s face it, that’s exactly what this group of hooligans was gonna be to us. Our kids. Yeah. For someone who never thought he’d have a family, I was acquiring family by the gaggle. “Rest assured, I did nothing through official channels. When the orders coming in for the unit I was with ceased to make sense and men were being thrown up a hill for nothing, slaughtered for nothing, I took matters into my own hands. We rescued more than one unit from ambushes when intel was bogus and they walked into an area that was supposed to be cleared, only for the VC to start a killing field. A bunch of ‘em in Colonial Gill’s outfit. Can’t say we saved more than we lost, but we managed to get a few out who might not otherwise have come home. That was why the general was really at my field hospital. Taz is right. I’m sure that fuckin’ general baited me. I was never quiet about my opinions and my opinion of leadership was that they were fuckin’ shit. Now? I guess I know why.”
“You think people in the government know about the Brotherhood?”
“Not sure. My gut says no, but there’s always that possibility. At least, anyone who knows of them doesn’t know the full extent of what they do and how much power they really have. If we’re aware of them, there have to be more who know. How much they know is anyone’s guess. I’m guessing anyone in the government knows just enough to think they can control the Brotherhood. They can’t.”
“Which, again, might be the whole point. The Brotherhood wants to recruit you. Get you to go back. Then you either join them or disappear.”
She shook her head immediately. “No. If they know me at all, the Brotherhood knows I’m not the kind of person they want in their ranks. I think too freely and I’m not too great at taking orders. Especially if I don’t agree with them. If they’re trying to get me there, it’s to take me out.”
“You think Taz will tell them about you?”
Mama gave me a hard stare. Yeah. She would make sure Taz never said a word.
“Understood.” I grinned at her. I might have been mistaken, but I was pretty sure I saw her lips twitch before she finished straightening her clothing, then stormed outside to face the “recruits.”
Yeah. I was looking forward to this.
Chapter Eight