Page 41 of Ready to Cash Out
“How about some dick?”
“Next.” Jupiter smiled.
“You’re killing all my options here.” Trev picked at his food. “I guess you don’t have any updates for me. About when I might be getting out of here.”
“Not yet. In that much of a hurry to get away from me?”
“What? After all the fun we’ve had?” Trev snorted. “No way.”
“My favorite part was the look on your face when your car wouldn’t start.”
“Mine was spraying you in the face with glitter body spray.”
Jupiter snorted out a laugh. “I think there’s still some in my shirt.”
“Good. You’ll have something to remember me by.”
“As if I could ever forget you, baby doll.”
Trev hated how his heart thumped when Jupiter smiled at him. They really did seem to have nice chemistry, and the sex had been incredible.
Too bad Jupiter was a giant douche nozzle.
“Look.” Jupiter dropped his phone to his lap, giving Trev his full attention. “I can tell you that Boss Cold’s men received our message with our offer, plus the results of your DNA test. All right?”
“And what?”
Trev wanted to stab Jupiter with his plastic fork. “And what did they say?”
“We’ll have an answer soon.”
Trev’s stomach twisted. “So… Wow. Cold really doesn’t give a fuck about me, does he?”
“It wasn’t a no,” Jupiter said. He almost sounded soothing. “These things take time, baby doll. Cold isn’t going to overplay his hand and appear too eager. That’s not his style. They call him Cold for a reason.”
“It’s so very cute you’re trying to make me feel better, but what the fuck happens if he doesn’t want to make the deal?” Trev pressed. “What happens to me?”
“That’s not up to me.”
“Right, it’s up to your stupid fuckin’ boss, right? Sal?” Trev set his fork down. He wasn’t hungry now. “You know they talk shit about you, right?”
Jupiter’s expression remained passive.
Fuck it.
No time like the present.
“Yeah, while you were doing what the fuck ever, I heard Howell and Sal talking about you. They think you’re a joke and a fuckup. They care so little about you they didn’t seem to give a fuck if I heard them or not. They were laughing. Did you know they think you’re a piece of shit? Huh? Or do you just roll over the second they say hey, bastard?”
“My relationship with my family is none of your concern,” Jupiter said smoothly.
“I’d say it’s a big concern since it’s you and your stupid family who thought it was great idea to fucking kidnap me. So, what’s the deal? Did you get assigned to bitch duty because you’re the bitch?”
“I know what you’re doing, baby doll, and it’s not going to work.”