Page 42 of Ready to Cash Out
“Trying to get a rise out of me.” Jupiter narrowed his eyes. “Pretty cheap move, to be honest. You must be desperate.”
“Maybe I’m just worried about you.”
Jupiter laughed. “I doubt it.”
“What? I can’t be worried about my captor?” Trev batted his eyes. “Maybe I’m developing Stockholm or something. You never know.”
“Cute.” Jupiter smirked. “Got any other startling revelations to share with me to try and gain my trust? Or are you gonna finish your pancakes and be quiet?”
“Just one,” Trev said, popping a strawberry in his mouth. “Thanks for letting me know you already knew they hate your fucking guts. Are you really a bastard? Or is it because you’re a gay bastard?”
Jupiter’s gaze darkened.
“Struck a nerve, Daddy?” Trev smirked.
“Eat your pancakes.”
“Wow. I’m so sorry to hear that the mafia isn’t a bunch of super open-minded people. Damn.” Trev took a big bite of pancake. “Mm, mm. And you still work for them? Really?”
Jupiter headed to the door.
“What?” Trev grinned. “Did I hurt your feelings? Want me to kiss it and make it better?”
Jupiter slammed the door shut behind him.
“Is that a no?” Trev shouted.
After waiting a few minutes, it didn’t seem like Jupiter was coming back anytime soon.
Trev hurried to the wall where the chain was attached to a small metal plate. He took his plastic knife and tried loosening the screws that bolted it to the brick.
The knife snapped, and Trev wasn’t even sure if the screw had budged at all. He heard footsteps and shoved the broken knife in the pocket of his hoodie. He went back to eating like nothing had happened, and he put on his sweetest smile when Jupiter walked back in.
“Come on,” Jupiter said briskly. “Finish eating.”
“Why?” Trev frowned. “What’s going on?”
“We’re moving you. That’s all I can tell you.”
Trev’s frown deepened. “Is it Cold? Did he accept the deal?”
Jupiter narrowed his eyes. “What part of that’s all I can tell you do you not understand?”
“The that’s, the all, the I, the can?—”
Jupiter snatched Trev’s pancakes away.
“Hey!” Trev snapped. “I was still eating that!”
“Later.” Jupiter threw the platter on the floor.
Trev gritted his teeth and stood up from the bed, holding his head up defiantly. “Before we go anywhere, I need to use the bathroom.”
“Hold it.”