Page 83 of Ready to Cash Out
“Does it even matter? Cold killed him, didn’t he?” Trev bit out the words.
“Yup,” Rowena replied without hesitation. “If he hadn’t, I would have.”
Trev found it hard to believe that Rowena could kill anyone.
Then again…
There was a spark in her eyes that made Trev think maybe she could.
“If you’d met him,” Rowena went on, “you probably would have too.”
“Pretty bold assumption.” Trev frowned. “How do I know you’re even telling the truth? What if my mother was right and you’re all the ones lying, huh?”
Trev was prepared for Rowena to give him a sob story and try to convince him what a horrible man Boris was. That seemed to be the next logical step in this conversation, and he readied a litany of responses to cut her down because he?—
“You don’t.” Rowena shrugged.
“I can’t make you trust us. You’ll just have to decide for yourself.” Rowena wiggled her fingers in a little wave. “Enjoy your shower.”
Trev waved back, watching her leave. As soon as the door shut, he hurried over to lock it.
He should probably leave it unlocked. Rowena was already suspicious of him, so he should keep it open to show he trusted them. Not that he actually did, of course, but he needed to make them think otherwise. Being on good terms with his new family—captors—would be more beneficial in the long run.
Especially if he was going to get back to Jupiter.
Trev touched the collar around his neck.
He missed Jupiter, more than he’d been willing to admit before.
Fleeing the country was still Trev’s main priority, and now it seemed he had yet another mafia family to escape. This one was definitely kinder and it was nice they didn’t seem intent on murdering him, but a gilded cage was still a prison. He didn’t trust their intentions were as pure as they made them out to be, and he refused to be used as a pawn again.
Jupiter at least came clean about how he had used Trev and they both had a mutual goal: freedom.
That’s what mattered now, Trev decided.
Getting the hell out of here and finding Jupiter.
But first, a shower.
Trev stripped off the suit, got the water going, and scrubbed himself clean. The bodywash and shampoo he found in the shower were a bit too floral for his liking, but he wasn’t going to be picky. He took his time, soaking up the hot spray and pressing his brow against the cool tile.
He wanted a few moments to turn off his brain and try to relax, but the train of his thoughts continued to crash through any semblance of peace.
Was Boris really the villain Rowena and the others believed him to be?
Trev’s mother had always been so honest with him, so why lie about Boris being a monster?
What was the point?
He reconsidered Rowena’s words about his mother wanting to protect him, and he wondered if she was right. Maybe not for the reasons that Rowena thought though.
Maybe for something else…