Page 84 of Ready to Cash Out
Trev left the shower to dry off, wishing the shower had washed away some of his scattered thoughts. He wrapped a towel around his waist and poked his head out into the bedroom.
To his surprise, there were a few pairs of pants and a selection of sweaters and shirts on the bed.
Must have been Rowena.
From Jimmy, his brother-in-law or whoever.
Trev picked some black skinny jeans and a light blue sweater he deemed to be the least hideous of the bunch. He didn’t have any fresh socks so he opted to go barefoot instead. Not optimal if he wanted to make a break for it later, but he didn’t enjoy the idea of wearing his boots without them. He could probably ask Rowena or whoever for some later, but first…
He touched his neck.
The collar.
Trev hurried back into the bathroom to retrieve it. He admonished himself for missing it so soon, but he didn’t feel right not wearing it now.
He missed Jupiter so much and?—
There was a knock at the door.
Trev grabbed the butter knife he’d stolen earlier and held it behind his back before answering.
Waiting on the other side was a man.
He was tall, broader than Trev and with lighter skin, and his cropped dark hair was more salt than pepper. He was wearing a black pinstripe three-piece suit with white spats.
Who the fuck wore spats? Like, really?
Despite his fashion choices, he was effortlessly attractive. The rest of his ensemble was stylish, fit well, and immediately commanded a sense of power and wealth. He’d yet to utter a single word and Trev was already on edge as a result of his proximity alone.
And his eyes…
Like his own and Rowena’s, they were icy blue.
Bright, beautiful, and dangerous.
This was Boss Cold.
“Well, hello there, Mr. Usher,” Cold said, his voice low with a rumbling purr as he scanned Trev over like a bit of prey he was going to tear apart. “It’s so nice to finally meet you.”
“Boss Cold.” Trev snorted. “You give yourself that name?”
Trev tapped his fingers against the door. “I suppose you want me to thank you, right? Well, thank you. For the very unneeded rescue and making me leave my friend behind.” He flashed an icy smile. “I was doing just fine without you.”
Cold’s expression didn’t change.
He didn’t even flinch.
He was good.
Trev knew he was better.
“So.” Trev batted his eyes. “Anything else?”