Page 63 of Electric Touch
“Meaning, more people recognise you. Certain risks can come with that.” Declan looks at me. “Bliss wants to make sure that we’re careful, and no unnecessary risks taken.”
“Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?” Ciro sits up straight. He doesn’t look pleased.
“If you think I’m suggesting security, then yes.”
A few voices erupt, asking questions about what that means. Declan holds up a hand to quieten us. I’m not sure how I feel. On one hand, the label might think it’s necessary to have someone looking out for us. But on the other, it feels like we’re being watched.
“How often are we going to have these people tagging along?” Jack asks.
“They won’t be following you everywhere. If you’re going into crowded spaces, or anywhere, people might try to film you.” He cocks his head in my direction. “We want security with you.”
“Bullshit,” Ciro groans.
“It’s not that bad.” Alessa turns from the window and glares at her friend. “Marcello comes with me to places. He blends in.”
“I’ve seen Marcello,” Dylan pipes up. “That guy does not blend in.”
“You see him when he wants to be seen,” she argues back. “He is with me all the time.”
Jordan takes her security seriously. With the blacked out SUV and the bodyguard. Being linked to him makes her more vulnerable to the public and the press. I haven’t noticed Marcello much. I’ve seen him, but Alessa is right. He blends in like he isn’t there.
“Don’t get all fucking worked up about it.” Declan walks to the kitchen counter to grab his coffee. “It’s non-negotiable. You just need to be aware of where you’re going and who with. And whether it warrants having someone to watch out for you.”
“So you’re leaving it up to us to decide?” Ciro asks.
“We’re telling you to use your judgement. Keep fucking it up, and we decide when and how long someone tails you.”
“Come on, it’s not so bad,” Dylan shrugs.
“You just want to be like your idol,” Ciro mutters.
Dylan shrugs. He doesn’t care. “It means we’re getting what we want. People recognise us. We’re successful.”
“You talk such shite sometimes, man,” Ciro gets up. “Is that all?”
“No, sit your ass down,” Declan’s voice leaves no room for argument.
Ciro doesn’t immediately do it. Declan doesn’t stop glaring until he drops back into his seat. Alessa chuckles, giving Ciro a smirk when he turns his glare her way.
Declan checks his watch. Not ten seconds later, the buzzer goes.
“Who’s that?” Jack asks.
I get up to answer. Declan’s expecting whoever it is. I’ve also seen he’s favouring his good leg.
“So, Nash, that was Adrestia, right, in the video?” Jack shouts. “Things seem to be hotting up there,” he waggles his brows.
“It’s no one’s business,” I tell him.
“Except the whole internet,” Alessa pipes up. She folds her arms over her chest, but doesn’t look like her usual angry self. Her smirk is knowing. “Zip wiring is an unusual place for date.”
I don’t answer and get a smug smile in response. Before anyone can throw anything else at me, there is a sharp knock at the door. When I open it, a man and woman wearing suits greet me.
“Security company I take it?”
“Mr Jameson,” the man says with a nod.
I stand back and let them in. No point asking how he knows who I am. I follow them back into the room. They take up all the extra space and everyone stares at them. The guy looks like a typical security guard, thick around the shoulders, shaved head, stern expression. The woman is a surprise. Her blonde hair is pulled back into a bun at the nape. It’s hard to see if she is muscular, but the way she carries herself screams confidence and control. She looks like Charlize Theron. Jack sits up and takes notice.