Page 64 of Electric Touch
“Everyone, this is Pippa Berglund and Ren Enatsu. They’re with Sentinel Security and are going to be working with us to provide protection when needed.”
“This is such bullshit,” Ciro mutters.
“Ignore grumpy.” Jack gets to his feet and reaches out a hand to Pippa. She looks at it, then shakes his hand, unaffected by the flirty grin. “I’m Jack.”
“McQueen,” Pippa states. “This is a quick introduction, but we will make arrangements to meet with you each individually. We’ve already met with Mr McCoy and the executives at Bliss,” she goes on. “Ren and I will set up the meetings if you could make yourselves available. We hope to have a plan in place for each of you by tomorrow.”
Declan is leaning against the counter with one hand in the pants pocket of his suit. The other holds a mug of coffee. His look dares any of us to argue.
“Mr Jameson,” Pippa turns to me. “I appreciate you may not want me to involve the other party. However, we will need to speak with your companion.”
“Is that necessary?” I turn my question to Declan, but he won’t help. “She’s not recognisable in the video.”
“That doesn’t mean people aren’t interested. It is for her protection, as well as yours.”
I can’t argue with that. Fuck. I don’t know how she will react. “Fine. Let me speak to her first. I’ll be there when you talk to her.”
“Of course,” Pippa nods. “Tomorrow morning?”
“She’s a college professor. She’ll be at work.”
“A college professor?” Riley’s brow lifts.
“Wild isn’t it?” Jack laughs, nudging Riley like she isn’t my very recent ex-girlfriend.
“Mr Fuentes,” Pippa turns to Ciro. “If we could meet this afternoon.”
“I’m busy.”
“Ciro,” Declan warns.
“No worries, Mr Fuentes,” Pippa goes on, as if she didn’t hear the tone of Ciro’s voice. “I have time in the morning too, now that we need to arrange another time with Mr Jameson.”
Ciro gets up, his eyes on Pippa. “How about now? You can follow me to the gym,” he scoffs as he grabs his stuff and heads for the door.
Pippa exchanges a glance with Ren. She hands me her card and tells me to get in touch when Adrestia can meet. Then she heads out after Ciro.
“Wow, she is hot.”
“Pipe down, Jack. She’s a professional. Here to provide a service to the band. Sentinel works for the label, not you. Do what they say, answer their questions and you keep your traps shut. I don’t want to hear any complaints.”
“None from me,” Dylan gets up, walks to Ren and offers his hand. “I’m free this afternoon.”
“I’ll wait for Pippa,” Jack winks.
“Ren, can you meet with Jack and Dylan please?” Declan leaves no room for an argument. “Nash, arrange with your friend asap. Riley, I’ll ask Pippa to meet you in the morning. We’ve agreed there will be three guards when you’re out as a group. One on one if you’re in a crowded space,” he looks to Ren for confirmation. “Pippa and Ren will run through what Sentinel provides. Alessa, Bliss want you under Sentinel, but I’m going to assume you want to continue using BreakNeck’s security?”
“Jordan would not allow any change,” she rolls her eyes.
“Okay, I’ll let them know,” Declan smiles, but there is no humour in it. “Someone let Ciro know when he gets his head out of his ass, you have an event to go to tomorrow night. A new club is opening and although you’re not performing, Dirty Crew is.”
“Patrick is back?” Jack asks in surprise.
Dirty Crew is contracted under Bliss Records too. The worst kept secret in rock music at the moment is about Patrick Ledger. Their lead singer has been in rehab for six months. The party line has been a family matter. I’ve hung around with the band, particularly at label events. Jack is closer to them, but he’s never elaborated on what he knows about Patrick.
“Guess so.” Declan sets his coffee mug down. “They want you there as a show of support.”
“Sounds like fun to me,” Jack claps his hands together.