Page 76 of Electric Touch
Only then do I notice the letter in her hand. I set my satchel down as I don’t have enough hands to hold everything and take the envelope. It has no post mark on it, so it’s been hand delivered. Helena is smiling at me, waiting. Is it something to do with my grant application?
“Thanks, Helena,” I say. “Better go back in and see if I need to do more work.”
“Oh, I hope not,” she winks. “Have a good weekend.”
As she walks away, I frown at the envelope. I am excited to know if it is about the grant, but I’m tired too. I need a drink and a foot rub. Neither of which I will get staying here. I head back into my office, setting everything down by my desk. I drop into my chair and open the envelope. A tingle of nerves pricks my stomach.
There are still three weeks before we hear about our applications. This can’t have anything to do with it.
I pull out a sheet of paper. It’s the wrong way, so I turn it over and stare at it in confusion. It’s a brochure for a helicopter tour company. Did I request this? I’ve got that much on my plate right now. I can’t remember if I did or not. Shifting further into my seat, I read over the information. Then notice there is something still inside the envelope. I tip it up and a smaller envelope falls out.
Curious. I open it and find two tickets and a handwritten note.
I’m an asshole. I’m sure you know that. This isn’t an apology. I owe you that face to face.
This is for you and Ariella. And before you say anything, it’s a gift. Don’t make me fight you by trying to give it back. Have fun in the clouds.
Nash xx
I re-read the note, swallowing a few times over a stupid lump forming in my throat. There are two tickets for the Manhattan, Brooklyn and Staten Island helicopter tour. I press my hands together, as if in prayer, and use my pointers to wipe at my tear ducts. I can’t believe he did this. And the cost. I grab the tickets and brochure, but there is no price on it.
“Damn,” I mutter, blinking back more tears.
I accepted Nash and Riley’s relationship is too complicated for me to get in the middle of. We never started anything in the short time we’d hung out. We had sex, but that isn’t a commitment on either of our parts. People have no strings sex all the time. It just felt like more. But I understand completely why he’s stepped back. It will spare my feelings too.
But this? I don’t know what to make of this. I’d been worried about how to afford this and had been planning on doing it alone. Ariella will love it.
The longer I look at the tickets, the more excited I get at the thought of doing this with her. We will get to experience something hardly anyone will in their lifetime, together.
I wipe my eyes again. There is only one way he would know about this. Apollo was pissed with Nash and ranted and raved for days. Yet, this is all him. My best friend knows how much I need it. If Nash can give me it, then he will use that.
I cover my face, my elbows resting on the desk, and let some tears fall. This means more than he will ever know. It’s one thing for Apollo to suggest, but it so much more that Nash agreed. And he included my baby sister.
Pulling my phone out, I open up the text thread with Nash. I’ve not deleted it, we won’t go into why. Right now, I’m far too emotional to deal with those questions. I take a quick snap of the tickets and then write, thank you, and hit send. His reply comes back within a minute.
Nash: You’re welcome Adrestia xxx
No expectations, no demands. He said he wants to apologise face to face, but he knows not to overstep my boundaries. The last few months have been hellish. I’ve not been facing up to everything that is going on. Choosing to focus on anything but the ultimate outcome on this path my life has taken. I can put a smile on my face, put all of my efforts into my work and the list. It’s only a temporary mask for what is coming.
This one simple gesture is undoing me.
But I refuse to fall apart. It serves no purpose. I reach up and run my hand across the nape of my neck, over my mockingbird tattoo. I can’t wait to tell Ariella what we are doing this weekend.
My nose is all stuffy and my mascara has run beneath my lower lids. I fix it and blow my nose, then tuck the tickets and note back into the envelope.
I spend the weekend fluctuating between calling Nash and letting it go. The text didn’t seem like enough of a thank you. But I need to protect myself even if he has done this amazing thing for me and my sister. Luckily, I had a busy week of classes. And the stresses that come with the first week back at school to deal with. I still took the time to enjoy the university corridors filling up. Watching all the eager students and some not so eager, back for the start of a new semester.
The helicopter ride is always in the back of my mind.
When I told Ariella, she lost her shit. It would be amazing if Mama and Hank could come. Mama baulked at the idea anyway, saying she wasn’t meant to fly above the clouds in anything other than an airplane, or with her own wings. Hank told us to enjoy some one-on-one sister time, doing something amazing. Stupid eyes leaked again at that. But not until I had got to the bathroom where no one could see me.
Adrestia: Today is the day. Thank you.
Nash: No problem, I hope you guys have the time of your lives
Adrestia: We will
The helicopter is sleek and black. The pilot and tour guide spend ten minutes reassuring me of the safety features. Then help Ariella into the helicopter.