Page 77 of Electric Touch
“Come on, Tia!” Ariella cries. “Let’s go already.”
“Coming!” I call back.
“You have nothing to worry about, Miss Kouris. You’re both in expert hands.”
I could quote the number of helicopter crashes in recent years, high-profile ones too, but I bite my tongue.
“Have the best time,” Mama shouts. “Take a million photographs!”
Ariella sticks her thumb up.
She is being fitted with her earphones and mic, which we need to communicate while flying. I’m buckled in and set up with my own earphones, too. The ground staff usher our parents back out of the way as the rotor blades start up. It’s loud. I know why we need the earphones now, because that would be deafening without them. My stomach tilts as the pilot does his final checks and asks if we’re ready to go.
“Yes!” Ariella shouts, clasping my hand. “Let’s fly!”
“You got it,” the pilot laughs.
I can’t even describe the feeling when the helicopter lifts off the helipad. It’s almost like an old elevator rising off the ground. Except I can see the ground disappearing beneath us. And it feels so weightless and, slightly wobbly. My stomach flip-flops again and Ariella squeezes my hand tight, making a soft squealing sound. I look over to make sure she isn’t freaking out, but the smile plastered on her face is one of pure joy. I grit my teeth and blink against more tears and vow to enjoy this.
The views are breathtaking. I’ve lived here most of my life, but I’ve never seen my city like this before.
“Look, the Statue of Liberty,” Ariella points, leaning towards the window. “Take my picture.”
I oblige, snapping photo after photo, getting her in with the backdrops. Selfies are a disaster, but we’re laughing endlessly at each other, poking out our tongues and making kissy faces.
As we head towards Staten Island, Ariella is talking to Marshall, our guide, through the headset. I hear everything but tune it out for a moment. I take out my phone and tap it against my chin. There is nothing I can do to thank him for this. For the joy this has brought me and my sister.
Adrestia: Are you busy?
Nash: Watching a show about how beer bottles are made
Adrestia: Wow, that actually sounds good enough to rival this ride
Nash: Ha ha. It is very interesting. Are you having fun?
Adrestia: It’s amazing Nash. I can’t thank you enough.
I send him a couple of pictures. One of the view and one of me and my sister pulling faces. It takes a while for them to send, but he replies as soon as they go through.
Nash: Looks amazing. Those are the photos you want to put on your fridge.
Adrestia: They will be all over her apartment by the end of the day
Nash: I’m glad I could do this for you
Adrestia: We’re going for something to eat afterwards
Nash: Greek?
Adrestia: Italian. It’s Ariella’s favourite.
Nash: A girl after my own heart
Adrestia: Would you like to come with us? If you can pull yourself away from the beer bottle making process?
Nash: I would love that. If you’re sure you want me to come. I don’t want to intrude.
Adrestia: Ariella wants to thank you.