Page 37 of The Sounds of Her
As I lay staring at the ceiling, I wonder if Archer is in his bed regretting his decision to walk away. Then again, despite his rep, he’s a gentleman, and I’ve been drinking.
Like every man I’ve been with before, they always walk away because I’m too closed off. Why should he be any different?
Jenna whirls around, her face full of shock, then a huge grin stretches over her mouth, and she jumps up to tackle me. I almost fall backwards but stay upright with her clinging to me. The surprise early arrival to help with the preparation is the best way to get around my sudden appearance.
It works, because Jenna doesn’t question me, dragging me back to her villa with Keira where we make cocktails. We lather up in sunscreen and sit out on her back deck, which is way more impressive than mine. It’s not wedding preparation, but it’s fun all the same.
We make the mutual decision to avoid any and all activities of the physical kind and stay here.
“Is Jake with your parents?” Jenna asks Keira.
“Yep, he’s having the time of his life. He loves mom and dad so he’s good without me,” she pouts. “Although, it gives me time for this,” she holds up her drink.
“Where’s Elsa? Did she go scuba diving?” I ask, noting our other friend isn’t here.
“If that involves Nick’s dick in her mouth.”
“Ew,” I slap Keira’s arm and she giggles, on her second slippery nipple cocktail. Jenna took a mixology class a while ago so knows how to mix them up.
“You realise these people are going to be all loved up and fucking every chance they get,” I tell her, making her smile slip.
“Oh, come on, don’t be like that,” Jenna comes back to her lounger with a fresh drink and leans back. “You will both meet someone. Keira, what happened with Zach?”
“Zach?” I lift my sunglasses, squinting at her.
Her cheeks flush and she picks at the cushion on her lounger.
“You did not.”
Jenna laughs. “Are you seeing him again?”
“We left things up in the air with me coming out here. But, we’ve had a few hot and heavy nights,” her grin turns devilish. “There is something about those Harris men,” she wiggles her brows.
“I can’t believe how hot all of Archer’s brothers are,” Jenna agrees.
“And all taken,” I mutter.
“Archer isn’t.”
“I’m sure he is happy to keep it that way,” I point out, remembering our conversation last night.
“So he says,” Jenna eyes me.
“What is the plan for tomorrow?” I change the subject, slotting my sunglasses over my eyes.
“Trying to keep Adam out of this villa,” Keira says, looking at Jenna.
“Do you even know me? Someone will have to keep him away, not the other way around. He knows I don’t want to see him the day before the wedding.”
“Good luck with that,” I grin.
“He knows how much it means to me, he’ll be good.”
“I love your blind faith in my brother’s ability to follow the rules,” Keira says, setting down her drink. She walks to the edge of the large swimming pool. It’s twice the size of the one at my villa. “My brother has a problem with being told what to do.”
We all know it’s going to be difficult to keep Adam away from Jenna, so I change the subject. “Back to our earlier revelation,” I say. “Zach motored your boat?”