Page 38 of The Sounds of Her
Keira bursts out laughing. “He did, three times on the same night.”
“Here’s to multiples,” I raise my glass. “Elusive and mysterious.”
“For some, maybe.” Jenna arches a brow.
“Not tomorrow night.” I stick out my tongue and she looks chagrined at the thought of not having Adam next to her, but her traditional heart wins out.
“All the better for our wedding night.”
“Can we please not discuss my brother’s sex life? I might vomit.” Keira sits down to dangle her feet in the water. “It’s bad enough seeing him paw all over you.”
“He does do that,” I add.
She could throw out that we’re jealous, but Jenna isn’t like that. With every fibre of her being, she believes everyone has their one true love. Jenna will be pissed when she finds out what happened back home, but I’ll take that over causing her any concern right now.
The rest of the girls arrive later in the afternoon, all led by Sandy with more booze from her villa. Jenna is happy beyond belief and it’s rubbing off as I watch her dancing without a care in the world, singing with the people she loves most in the world. She deserves this happiness, having kissed far too many toads on the way to finding Adam.
I can always rely on my best friend, inadvertently or otherwise, to help me forget my own problems.
Later, when Adam gets back, he tries to throw us all out because it’s his last evening with her until after they’re married. He fails. Surprisingly, he doesn’t complain too much, especially when Jenna gives him a hilariously drunken lap dance.
Until it ends with her accidentally tipping her bright red cocktail all over his head.
Chapter Ten
Thank Christ we’re not wearing full suits. The weather, though perfect, is way too hot for that kind of attire. Our linen pants are off white, the shirts are lightweight pale blue cotton. Apart from Adam, we each have a single red rose to pin to our shirts, but none of us has put them on yet.
Jordan leans against the back of the couch, doing something on his phone. He snapped some pictures earlier, although he is under strict instructions not to post anything on social media.
I pick at the leftovers from breakfast that the staff brought over an hour ago. Adam got kicked out of his villa for the night and stayed at mine. He showed up covered in alcohol, but I enjoyed hearing the reason for it.
It’s good to spend time together. We’re always so fucking busy. Even when we get together, it’s usually about band stuff. We spent today snorkelling and investigating the island.
After eating, we ended up writing a song, because we’re unable to turn that shit off and Adam brought his guitar. Nick and Jordan found their way down here, and things got a little out of hand.
We woke up in various states around my villa a couple of hours ago.
Adam is pacing, fiddling with his buttons, then his hair. He isn’t hungover, he’s shitting himself. Jordan hasn’t stopped laughing about it for the last hour, telling him he looks like he is going to puke.
“I don’t know what you’re laughing at, you’ll be next.” I pop a slice of mango into my mouth.
“Not on your fucking life,” Jordan’s laughter stops. “I mean, I love Alessa, and I will spend the rest of my life thanking God she keeps me around, but marriage,” he pulls a face. “No thank you.”
“What’s the issue with marriage?” Nick asks. “If you want to be with her for the rest of your life.”
“Don’t need a wedding band for that,” Jordan says. “No offence,” he looks at Adam, who is fiddling with the pin on the white rose for his shirt.
He looks up at Jordan and shrugs like he doesn’t care, or more likely, isn’t listening.
“You’re one to talk, what about you and Elsa?” Jordan bounces over the back of the chair and drops his ass into the seat.
“All in good time,” Nick answers. “Being around Jenna while they arranged this has got her thinking. And who knows, I might plan it.”
“Fucking hell,” I grumble. “It’s like I’ve walked into the middle of a chick flick.”
“I got your back, bro,” Jordan beats his chest and points at me, then leans forward, setting up a row of shot glasses, which he fills with tequila.
It reminds me of the other night. Whether she plans on telling me, or anyone else her issues, I saw how Brooke looked. She is good at hiding it, but I got glimpses of something like hurt and anger. It also didn’t escape my notice how she looked at me as I brought her back into the villa.