Page 13 of Any Kind of Life
“Don’t worry. I’ll send you a picture.” Juliet winked as Paige shifted onto her stomach. “Naked, of course.”
“Now you’re talking.” Paige grinned where she rested against Juliet, their breasts pressing together. “I know people claim that sex in the bath is sexy and all that, but it’s bullshit, and I’d rather have you naked on our bed for the rest of the night. So, are we done here?”
Juliet adored that. The way they could discuss intense pasts and heartache…then switch it back to what they enjoyed the most. One another. “Mmhmm. I thought you’d never ask.”
Paige managed to scramble from the tub without breaking her neck, her dripping wet, taut body glistening for Juliet. “I’m about to be without you for a long time…if you think we’re sleeping at all tonight, you have another thing coming.”
Chapter 5
Juliet’s phone pinged on the couch beside her for the third time. She glanced at the screen, ignoring the message waiting for her again. She didn’t want to talk to anyone unless it was Paige. Preferably Paige calling to say she was coming home because the tour wasn’t working for her, and that she needed to be with Juliet instead. Stop being ridiculous. She brought the cuff of Paige’s hoodie up to her nose, inhaling deeply. Paige had almost put it into the washing machine the morning she was leaving, only to be stopped dead in the kitchen by a shrieking Juliet. There was no way Paige was leaving her with nothing that smelled like her.
Realising that she should probably respond to her messages, she brought her phone up.
I’m only working half a day. Did you want to meet up for lunch?
Juliet smiled. It was Hannah. She had a feeling Paige had asked Hannah to keep Juliet company, but she didn’t want company. Unless it was Paige.
Is everything okay? I haven’t heard from you in a few days.
Hannah again. No, everything wasn’t okay. Juliet was miserable. She still wore the same pyjamas that she’d been wearing the morning Paige left. She hadn’t washed her hair or showered and had barely eaten anything.
Hey. Thanks for the invite but I’m already busy with plans. Maybe another time?
That should satisfy Hannah. And if it didn’t, Hannah could deal with it herself. Once she was home with Caz, Juliet would be the least of her worries.
Okay, well, if you change your mind, I’ll be at the usual place.
Juliet wouldn’t change her mind. She had been so stupid, not agreeing to go with Paige on tour. The bar was closed; what did it matter if she was around or not? She had no plans to pick up a hammer or knock walls out, so why did she need to be here?
Honestly, she feared she would cramp Paige’s style. This wasn’t her moment. It was her girlfriend’s. Paige should be free to breathe and enjoy this experience. Having Juliet there, she would probably feel obliged to spend all of her time with her. Juliet didn’t want Paige to feel that way. And after the conversation they’d had in the tub a few nights ago, Juliet knew how important it was for Paige to find her feet without Juliet hanging off her.
Don’t wait around for me. But definitely another time.
She locked her phone and curled back under her blanket. It wasn’t particularly cold in the apartment; the blanket was more of a comfort for her. Something to weigh her down and offer that safety Paige usually provided.
Juliet snuggled down and brought the blanket to her chin. A rerun of a show she and Paige usually watched was playing as background noise simply because Juliet hated silence. Before she met Paige, she could enjoy silence any time of day, but now? No. She hated it. Silence meant she was entirely alone.
She closed her eyes, wondering what Paige was doing this afternoon. Had she finished her soundcheck? Had she eaten lunch? Would she find time to call Juliet before the hustle and bustle of the show began?
Juliet groaned, pulling the blanket over her head. If she could just sleep as much as possible, missing Paige wouldn’t last as long.
Her phone started to ring somewhere on the couch, but Juliet didn’t have the energy to answer it. What if it’s Paige? She scrambled to an upright position, rummaging for her phone.
It was Paige. “H-hello?”
“Hi, babe.”
“Oh, God. You don’t know how good it is to hear your voice.” Juliet settled back on the couch, dragging a hand through her embarrassing hair. It was a good job Paige wasn’t home. She looked a mess. “How are you? Have you eaten?”
“I have. I’ve just finished lunch now.”
Juliet smiled. So long as Paige looked after herself, that was the main thing. “And how’s your hotel?”
“You know what, it’s not as bad as some I’ve stayed in. Quite swanky, actually.”
That only saddened Juliet. She could have been enjoying Paige’s swanky hotel with her. “Well, I’m glad you have nice digs. It makes me feel better knowing you’re comfortable.”
“Have you been doing much?”