Page 84 of Any Kind of Life
This new normal surely had to be better.
“Ready, gorgeous?” Paige placed a gentle hand on Juliet’s shoulder and leaned down, kissing her cheek.
“Sorry, I was in a stare.” Juliet got up and turned to Paige. “Gorgeous day, isn’t it?”
“Any day I get to spend with you is a gorgeous day.” Paige linked her arm through Juliet’s, squeezing Juliet against her. “Sometimes it’s just nice to sit, drink coffee, and people watch.”
“I didn’t realise how much I needed the fresh air.” Juliet turned her head to Paige briefly. “Makes you feel alive.”
Paige’s heart fluttered at that. Just weeks ago, this may never have happened again. If Juliet hadn’t pulled through, she wouldn’t be walking with Juliet right now, arms linked. “Hey.” Paige stopped them close to the art gallery. “I hope you know how proud I am of you.”
“For what?”
“Fighting. Coming home to me.” Paige’s emotions threatened to spill out, but she managed to contain them. This wasn’t a time for tears. It was a time to put the next stage of their life together into some kind of motion. “It’s only coffee, but I’ve had a great morning with you.”
Juliet brought a hand to Paige’s cheek, caressing it slowly. “I’ve had a great morning with you, too.”
“And now I really need you to come somewhere with me.” Paige leaned into Juliet’s touch, smiling as she closed her eyes. “I don’t think I can wait much longer.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Just come somewhere with me, okay?” Paige looked back at Juliet, those beautiful eyes stealing Paige’s heart all over again.
Juliet strolled down the high street, her hand tightly held by Paige’s. They hadn’t once disconnected since they’d left the dock, and Juliet suspected it was Paige’s way of making her feel at ease. Whatever she was doing, it was certainly working. This morning, Juliet barely remembered the last couple of months. She sure as hell hadn’t thought about Cara today, and if she had it her way, she wouldn’t think about her in great detail ever again.
“Where exactly are you taking me?” Juliet turned another corner with Paige, but she didn’t really know this area of Liverpool. “You’ve got us lost, haven’t you?”
“No, I have not!”
“Paige, I don’t know this area, so surely you don’t either.” Juliet didn’t want to admit it, but she was beginning to tire. This was the most she had done since before her attack. “Where are we?”
Paige stopped in the middle of the street and looked left, then right. Her gaze landed on a particular shopfront, and then she dragged Juliet towards it. “There! Got it! Knew I wasn’t lost!”
Juliet grinned at the look of pride on Paige’s face. Her fiancée was adorable; there were no two ways about it. “Fine. I apologise.”
“You can make it up to me. I just haven’t decided how yet.” Paige winked as they stopped outside a jeweller. “Time to make this official, babe.”
Juliet’s brows drew together. “I’m sorry?”
“You and I. Engaged. It’s time for you to pick out your engagement ring.”
Juliet’s heart burst, but this wasn’t necessary. “Baby, I don’t need a ring to know what we have.”
“And neither do I. But I want you to have a ring. Whatever ring you fall in love with.” Paige looked back at Juliet with a pleading in her eyes. “Please? At least look…”
“Okay. Let’s look.” Juliet would give Paige anything she wanted. If that included a moment like this, picking out an engagement ring, then she would revel in every second of it. As they entered the store, Juliet tugged on Paige’s hand. “But what about you? You don’t have a ring.”
“I’m good without one. It’s not really my thing. Wedding ring, absolutely, but I prefer less on my hands.”
“Are you sure? We could pick out one for each other.” Juliet felt it only fair that they both wore one. Yes, Paige didn’t wear much jewellery, but this could surely be an exception.
Paige wrinkled her nose slightly. “Maybe. But it’d have to be something that really caught my eye. I’m more focused on you getting yours.”
Juliet cocked her head. “God, I love you.”
“You just love my ideas,” Paige said, winking as she turned to the woman behind the small counter. “Hi. I called this morning about bringing my fiancée in to try on some engagement rings.”