Page 85 of Any Kind of Life
“Ah. Paige?” The woman asked as she lifted a few trays out from a glass case. “I took the liberty of selecting some of our finest.”
“Perfect.” Paige placed a hand on the small of Juliet’s back, encouraging her closer to the counter. “Take a look, babe.”
Juliet scanned the gorgeous items laid out on the velvet cushion, her heart racing at the thought of being married to Paige. A wife had been Juliet’s goal in life as she was excelling in her career, but a wife like Paige? Well, that was one of those unimaginable situations people often put themselves in. In Juliet’s world, women like Paige didn’t exist. Not really.
Spoilt for choice, Juliet decided she wanted something understated. She knew what Paige meant to her, and she knew the love they had for one another. It was unnecessary to select something extravagant. Simple yet stylish was what Juliet wanted.
“See anything you like?” Paige draped a loose arm around Juliet’s waist, kissing her shoulder as they moved down the options.
“I…think so. I just want to check I’ve picked the right one.” Juliet eyed Paige and smiled, shoulder-bumping her. “Though, I picked the right one some eighteen months ago now.”
“Oh, that was smooth.” Paige flashed one of her gorgeous smiles and shook her head. “I can’t wait until everyone knows. Juliet Saunders, officially off the market.”
The woman’s head shot up. “You’re Juliet Saunders?”
Juliet winced. She didn’t want any of what she knew was coming. Yes, there had been a number of news articles about her attack, but people had left her alone up until now. That’s because you don’t leave the apartment anymore.
“Yes. That’s me.”
“Oh, how are you, love? Recovering well, I hope.”
Juliet regarded her with a small smile. The people of Liverpool generally spoke to you as though they’d known you for a long time. “I am, thank you.”
Juliet’s brows rose at that, but then a smile curled on her lips. Again, the people of Liverpool rarely held back on what they thought. “Yes. Something like that.” She scanned the rings once more, satisfied with the one that had caught her eye. “This one, baby.” She pointed it out to Paige, but Paige didn’t seem as enthusiastic. “You…don’t like it?”
“I mean, it’s lovely. I just thought you may have picked something more…you.”
“More me?” Juliet lifted a brow. “I don’t know what that means.”
Paige guided Juliet away from the counter, smiling at the woman before she did so. “I just thought you might have picked something a little more out there, you know?”
Juliet understood that, but she wanted simplicity. The fact Paige had asked her to marry her at all was more than Juliet ever could have wished for. She meant it when she said she didn’t need a ring. She was doing this only for Paige. “The one I’ve picked is perfect, Paige.”
“Babe, if this is about how much they cost…”
Juliet took Paige’s hand and squeezed. “It’s not.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. The simple band with a simple stone is perfect, Paige.”
Paige lifted a shoulder and walked back over to the counter. “Okay.”
“Thank you,” Juliet whispered as she stepped up behind Paige and wrapped her arms around her waist. “For being the perfect woman.”
Paige settled her hands over Juliet’s, both of them startled by a flash through the window of the store. “The fuck was that?”
Juliet froze. Someone had taken their picture.
She turned her face away from the window, anxiety tugging in her stomach. She knew her life wouldn’t return to normal, and this was proof of that. Ronnie may be dead, but it seemed he likely had loyal friends after all. “Paige, c-can we go home?”
“Yeah. I’ll just pay, and then we’re out of here.”
“No, I mean…can we go right now?” Juliet shook where she stood in the middle of the store, feeling as though someone would come bursting through the door at any moment. “What if it’s one of them?”
Paige turned and handed her phone to Juliet. “Call Henry. Ask him to pick us up outside here in the next few minutes.” Paige turned back to the counter and eyed the woman serving them. “Are you able to lock your door for us?”