Page 54 of Moon's Promise
When he heard footsteps, he came out of a back room on the first floor to find Reaper and Viper conducting their own search. He had already retied his bandana around his mouth. The stench of rotting food had him ready to lose his breakfast. From their expressions, the smell was just as offensive to them.
“I’m surprised they didn’t give themselves up rather than stay here.”
“Goddamn,” Viper swore as he tied the bandana around the lower part of his face. “I won’t be able to eat for a year after seeing that kitchen. Why in the hell would they live in this filth?”
Moon’s and Reaper’s eyes met.
“To distract us from other smells,” Reaper answered.
All three moved upstairs in unison. As they reached the top of the stairway, Moon turned left while Reaper moved right. Viper remained in the middle, ready to back up who needed him first.
When he slowly opened a door, an unmistakable scent hit him. His first instinct was to open a window. Instead, he went to where they were cooking their meth, making sure everything was turned off.
“Fucking hell,” he swore out loud, carefully turning the nozzle to turn the gas off where they had jerry-rigged it to the stove. Then, striding toward the window, he opened it before moving to another in the room, where he stuck his head out to breathe in fresh air.
Pulling his head back in, Moon started to leave the room to check the next when he stopped. Had he heard a faint sound? He stayed still but didn’t hear anything and was about to move again when he heard the faint rustling sound again.
Frowning, he looked around the room. There wasn’t a closet door where anyone could be hiding. The floorboards? Not finding anything amiss on the floor, Moon looked up and noticed the attic door.
Leaving the room, he started walking toward Viper and saw Reaper carrying an unconscious woman down the steps. Glad the pregnant woman was out of the filthy house, he put her out of his mind.
“Perp hiding in the attic.” Moon nodded his head toward the room he had just left. “It’s going to be risky as fuck to get them out.”
Viper nodded. “I’ll do it.”
“I’ll do it. I’m going to need something to stand on.”
“Check the other bedroom. Maybe there’s something there you can use,” Viper suggested.
Both men turned as Reaper came back up the steps. Then Moon and Reaper split up again to continue searching the house.
Wanting to close the door as soon as he opened it, it took all his willpower not to go outside and shoot the other men.
Moon gave two whistles before he went farther into the room.
There were a crib and a playpen in the filthy room. He walked up to the crib to see a baby about a year old lying in a curled-up position. Slowly, he put out his hand to touch a soft cheek. At his touch, the baby opened her eyes.
Hearing footsteps behind him, Moon gently lifted the baby into his arms and handed her to Train.
He saw Rider lift a small boy from the playpen and continued searching the room. There were several boxes stacked against a wall.
Moon waited until Train and Rider had left with the children before kicking the boxes until the stack tumbled down. Opening a box released a wave of odor that caused him to gag.
He moved away from the boxes and managed to search the small closet before leaving the room. Outside the door, Moon doubled over, breathing in gulps of air, trying not to vomit.
“You okay?” Reaper came to his side.
Moon gave a shaky nod. “Don’t go in there. The sons of bitches were too sorry to throw the dirty diapers away.”
“Probably didn’t want anyone to know there were any kids in the house,” Viper said grimly. “Were you able to find anything to stand on to reach the attic door?”
“The crib is on wheels. We can roll it into the other room, and I can stand on it. Are the other rooms clear?” Moon asked.
“Yes,” Reaper told them.
“Let’s get it done.” Viper gave him a pat on the back as he and Reaper passed him to go into the baby room.
Moon remained stationed in the hall as they wheeled the crib out.