Page 55 of Moon's Promise
“They had the window nailed shut.” Viper’s face was filled with fury as they walked out. Reaper was stone-cold hard, which had a chill sliding down his back.
Rolling the crib down the hall, Moon promised himself when they flushed out the fucker hiding in the attic, he was going to bury some motherfuckers in the same boxes they had used for the dirty diapers.
He placed the crib under the attic hatch and lowered the side to climb on top of the mattress. Reaper and Viper raised their guns toward the ceiling.
Holding his gun with one hand, Moon pushed the hatch upward with a hard shove, sending it to the side.
The three men remained motionless, listening.
Moon placed his gun at the small of his back, then gripped the wood above his head, preparing to pull himself upward and get his fucking head shot off. Just as he heaved himself upward, however, someone jumped down on him, sending him falling backward and onto Viper.
Rolling to the side while simultaneously trying to catch the fleeing person darting out of the room, Moon collapsed on the floor, completely out of oxygen.
“Reaper!” Viper yelled out to his brother when his attempt to catch the fleeing figure bolted out of the room was just as ineffective.
Viper managed to get to his feet first. Moon consoled himself that it was only because the air hadn’t been knocked out of him.
Gasping, he used the crib to heave himself into a sitting position. Slowly, the oxygen started to return to his lungs.
“Wha …?” he gasped. “What in … the fuck was that?”
Viper was bent over, holding his thigh. “I think it was a girl.”
Larissa was about to use her crutch to make the man blocking her move.
“I really don’t want to hurt you, but if you don’t move—”
A tall man stepped out of the door, holding Eryn.
“We need to get her to the hospital.”
Larissa looked around, searching for a vehicle they could use. “Someone find the keys for one of the trucks!”
The man holding Eryn laid her down on the porch then took off.
“She needs the hospital!” Larissa ordered, lowering herself to the ground.
“Who has the key for the tan truck?” Knox’s sharp voice rang out.
“They’re in Tanner’s pocket,” one of the men sitting on the ground in a group spoke up.
Larissa started examining Eryn, finding her pulse dangerously low.
“Eryn, can you hear me? Eryn?”
Her eyes opened. “Larissa?” she whispered.
“I’m here. We’re going to get you to the hospital. Are you in pain?”
“No, I’m just cold … I tried to get Tanner to turn the heat on, but he said we’re out of oil.”
“We’ll get you warmed up.” Larissa took off her coat to place it over her.
“I’ve got the keys,” Knox said, bending down to lift Eryn into his arms. “Shade, you drive them.”
Larissa hobbled after Knox and Shade toward the large tan truck. Shade opened the back seat door for Knox then hurried to the other side to help slide Eryn along the seat. Before he could shut the door, Larissa tried to climb up.