Page 52 of Silver Linings
“No catch. We don’t even have to pay for the utilities. The jobs I do aren’t easy. Most of the time, they aren’t safe.”
“Remember Lil, I told you. My job is my life, and it’s the reason I never thought I’d get to have a family. Most people can’t handle the unknown dangers.”
“I can,” she said as she straightened her shoulders. “I promised to support your goals as a part of this arrangement, and that includes your career. Let me see Sage for a minute so I can change her diaper and nurse her.”
The lightly furnished apartment was going to make their first day home so much easier than Gunner had planned. “Go to the couch, Lil. I’ll get her changed while you get ready to nurse her.”
After changing and handing Sage off to Lily, Gunner headed back to the parking lot to bring up the rest of their luggage. He’d paid a moving company to pick up Sage’s things in Connecticut and bring them down to Texas, but they weren’t scheduled to arrive until the end of the week. So, he’d packed a travel bassinet for her along with all the other baby necessities. Never in a million years would he have thought he’d know safe sleep rules or what diaper creams were best for sensitive skin, but there he was, well versed in both things and more.
Hauling the luggage out from the bed of his truck, a branch snapped in a small patch of trees behind him. Gunner’s eyes scanned the treeline, and he waited. A breeze tossed the leaves back and forth as branches swayed. His eyes continued to search until a squirrel popped out from behind a rock and ran across the pavement.
Fucking nature. If they were a part of Montgomery Defense property, then Cap needed to get rid of those trees, and fast. They were thick enough that someone could hide in there. He didn’t like the idea of Lily and Sage walking by it every day on their way to the park.
Gunner turned back to the building, still unable to shake the feeling of eyes being on him. If there was one thing he took away from being in the SEALs, it was to always trust his gut. And his gut told him to get to his girls.
Back in the apartment, he found Lily dancing with Sage, who was wide eyed and smiley.
“There’s your daddy, Sprout. We wondered what was taking you so long.”
“Just making sure I got everything in one trip. What were my girls up to while I was gone?”
“Planning.” Lily winked as she gently swayed back and forth with Sage. Jesus, the sight of them in this new place was so fucking beautiful his chest felt tight from how much he wanted the moment to never end.
“Oh yeah? Planning what?”
“Our lives here. I can see us putting up a great big Christmas tree right there, and having movie nights with popcorn and hot chocolate by the fireplace. Do you think Sage will have a princess phase? It would be so fun to set up a big princess pillow fort in the living room and binge watch all the old princess movies I grew up on.”
He couldn’t hold in the laugh that erupted from his chest.
“You’re just already the best mom, Lil. I don’t get how you don’t see it.”
She walked over and gave him a half hug with the arm that wasn’t holding the baby. Her green eyes sparkled with hope as she looked up at him, and he realized Sage’s eyes were slowly turning the same shade as her mother’s. “This place is amazing, Gunner. I can’t wait for all the sweet memories we’ll make with Sage here.”
“It’s nice. But I think we’ll eventually want some place with a big yard. Somewhere to put up a swing set and a trampoline for Sage.” His finger swept across Sage’s chubby cheek and she gave him a big gummy grin.
“You’ve been thinking about that?”
“Of course. I think about our family all the time.”
Lily squeezed her arm around him tighter and then let go, walking towards the hallway.
“The bedrooms are that way.” Lily tipped her head and Gunner nodded. “I saw there are two.”
“Two bedrooms is good.” They’d still sleep with Sage in their room for now, but when she was a little older, it would be good for her to have her own space. Lily walked ahead of him, opening one of the doors.
“I’ll take this room with Sage. Both rooms have attached baths, but the tub in here looks a little more kid friendly, so I thought she and I could have this one.”
Wait. What? His heart squeezed painfully. There was no fucking way she was taking the baby and sleeping in a different room from him.
“Excuse me?”
“Why would you both sleep in a different room from me?”