Page 89 of Silver Linings
Gunner turned from the bassinet and moved his arms across his chest. “Yes. And I’ll wait for as long as you need me to. I’m not going anywhere, Lil.”
She worried the edge of her shirt, trying to give herself the courage to do exactly what she’d been thinking of doing since the moment he walked back into her life.
“I’m so tired, I feel like I could sleep for a week. Before I go to bed, I need a shower…but it looks like you do, too.”
“You can go first,” he offered. “I’ll stay in here with Sage until you finish up.”
Lily crossed from her dresser to where Gunner was standing and traced her fingers across the bulging veins in his arms. They’d always been an enormous turn on for her, but now, it was like the feel of them beneath her touch was melting her core into a delicious pool of hot honey.
Giving up his arms with a shiver, she began pulling at the bottom of his tucked in shirt.
“Lil?” Her name came out in a deep growl that fueled the fire burning in her belly.
“Seems an awful waste of water to take our showers separately, doesn’t it? Especially when I need to clean that cut on your forehead and get it bandaged.”
“Yes,” his voice shook as her fingers reached up under his shirt, tracing along his stomach before running along the waistband on his pants. “Lily…”
“Grab the baby monitor and meet me in your shower in five minutes.”
She moved from her room, forcing her feet to walk across the hall. No losing steam now. Once inside his bathroom, she flipped on the light and found her way to the shower.
The water flowed over her arm, and she adjusted the temperature until it was just right. God, when was the last time she shaved her legs? How was she about to stand in front of Gunner, who she’d loved since she was a little girl, and try to be sexy for him? She found herself nearly doubled over, panic squeezing her lungs, robbing her of air as she wheeze-laughed over the absurdity of the night.
Finally standing up straight, she looked in the mirror, trying to remind herself that Gunner was adamant that he loved her soft curves and the way her postpartum body looked. Lily pulled the hair tie out of her hair, letting it fall down over her shoulders.
“Fuck, Lily.” She whipped around, and the heat in Gunner’s hooded eyes as he stood in the doorway made her legs shake. There was no doubt in her mind exactly how he saw her, and for the first time in a long time, maybe for the first time ever, she felt like a prize.
Steam billowed out of the shower, but she would not hurry. No, she was going to have fun savoring every moment. Lily wanted each second to be burned into her memory. Her whole body felt weak with the anticipation of what was about to happen.
Lily grabbed a washcloth from the sink and ran it under the tap before walking towards Gunner.
“Hold this for me, will you?”
He grunted his reply, his eyes never leaving Lily’s face as he took the washcloth from her hands. She wilted under the heat of his gaze, but pushed herself forward, taking the hem of his shirt and pulling it upwards. Good lord, the way the muscles in his neck flexed and moved as he stood there breathing was enough to have heat pooling in her core. Gunner had always been the most handsome man she’d known, but every day her attraction grew as she watched him love on Sage with his whole heart. There was this completely new thread of her attraction to him, and it was the most powerful connection they shared.
She lifted his shirt over his head and her heart slammed against her ribs in horror. Blooming across his side and stomach were light patches of black and blue bruising.
“Oh my god, Gunner,” her lips trembled as traced her finger across the damaged flesh. “You’re really hurt!”
“No, Lil. That’s nothing. I hardly even feel it.”
“What the hell happened tonight?”
His hand reached up and cupped her cheek, pulling her line of sight away from the injury.
“Nothing you need to worry about. I’m fine.”
“Fine. Right. More like stubborn.”
“You love that about me, don’t you, wife?”
Looking back into his eyes as she ran her fingers down his chest and across his abs before resting them on his hips, she saw the war waging in him. His face was emotionless, but his eyes held a dark fire that she knew was only for her. It made Lily’s stomach clench.
“Sure you’re up for this? Maybe I should clean that cut up and then just tuck you into bed.”
“Oh, I plan on taking you to bed. Just not until after I get that shower you promised me.”
Lily smiled, running her hands through Gunner’s hair until she grasped the pieces in the back, pulling his face towards hers. She peppered kisses along his jaw until he took control, slamming his lips onto hers in a searing kiss. It was dominating and possessive. It was delicious and made her feel dizzy. Lily’s fingertips and toes buzzed with anticipation.