Page 61 of Shadows of Winter
“Am I in danger from your captain?” Kaylina asked instead, wondering if Vlerion would tell her.
His loyalty was to Targon—after all, Vlerion didn’t even like her—but that first night, he’d admitted his captain had arranged things so she and Frayvar couldn’t leave. Maybe it had been more a warning than an admission, so she wouldn’t do something foolish, but Vlerion needn’t have said anything.
“He is intensely loyal to the kingdom and its subjects. He’ll do anything to protect them.”
“Even if it means sacrificing an innocent person along the way?”
“If he deems it for the greater good, yes. He’s made that choice many times.” Vlerion touched his chest. To indicate himself? Or maybe the rangers? How many comrades had he seen fall over the years?
“If he remembers to call me back for a sling demonstration, should I deliberately miss the targets?”
“Would your pride allow that?”
“Maybe. To save my ass.” Kaylina hesitated, not certain that was true. “To save my brother’s ass, I definitely would.”
“Targon doesn’t have much interest in him.”
“Lucky boy.”
The horses pulling the carriage stopped, the driver keeping them across the street from the castle. The familiar red glow shone from the tower window.
Arriving didn’t feel like coming home, but weariness and pain made her long for a horizontal position. Anywhere would do.
Kaylina grabbed the crutch the doctor had lent her. It was bigger and more unwieldy than the cane she’d imagined.
“I recommend doing your best to make him forget you,” Vlerion said quietly as he opened the carriage door.
He hopped down and lifted his hands toward her. Though she hated needing help, the ache from her leg kept her from doing something dumb like swatting his arm away and jumping out. Instead, she didn’t object when he gripped her waist and gently lifted her down.
As they stood close, his hands lingered, and the memory of slumping against him in the alcove came to mind. Of rubbing his shoulders and leaning into his chest, of him stroking her hair and kneading the taut muscles in her neck. Since he didn’t release her and step back, she wondered if he might be thinking about that too.
“Wrap your honey so that it’s difficult to smell, and keep it someplace safe,” he said.
Kaylina blinked. “What?”
“So Crenoch and the other taybarri aren’t drawn here.”
That was what he was thinking about while tenderly holding her?
Exasperated, Kaylina stepped back, jamming the crutch down for support. “You tell me to avoid your captain’s notice but also want to make sure whatever he’s planning for me doesn’t get messed up. Is that it?”
“The taybarri must be bonded to their riders and not have their attention—or loyalties—split between multiple people.”
Craters of the moon, maybe Vlerion’s words had nothing to do with his captain. Maybe he was irritated because his faithful mount wasn’t as devoted to him as the men he worked with were. Too bad.
“If you want him bonded to you, maybe you should give him honey from time to time. Do you want me to get you some of ours?”
“No.” Vlerion stepped back. “It is not appropriate for a taybarri.”
“You can’t tell me they wouldn’t suck down a beehive whole if they found one in nature.”
“I am the one who must tend to his teeth if any need pulling.”
“Oh gods. However would the valiant rangers ride into battle to slay their enemies if their taybarri had cavities?”
Vlerion took a breath. When he said, “You are an exasperating female,” he sounded calm, not exasperated.
“And you’re an ass.”