Page 62 of Shadows of Winter
“My lord,” he said tightly.
“Pirate.” Kaylina would have stomped into the courtyard if she hadn’t needed the crutch. She was the one exasperated as she struggled to make the dramatic exit her last word called for. Worse, she tripped as she crossed through the gatehouse, the uneven ground needing repairs. Everything about the damn place needed repairs. This entire adventure was exhausting, and if not for Vlerion watching, she would have cursed at the fates that had brought her to the doorstep of the castle.
But she clamped her jaw shut and made it awkwardly across the courtyard. Only when she reached the doors did she notice someone sitting against the wall under the overhang. She let out a startled squawk.
“What is it?” Vlerion drew his sword and stepped through the gatehouse.
“Just me.” Frayvar threw his hands up.
“We’re fine,” Kaylina made herself say, though she was annoyed Frayvar had seen her arguing with Vlerion. Why was he loitering outside? “Go home, taxi service.”
She doubted anyone was spying on them but, to please the pompous Lord Vlerion, she wouldn’t go out of her way to screw up the ranger captain’s ruse.
“Very well.” Vlerion sheathed his sword and climbed into the carriage.
Even though she’d spent far too much of the day with him, a pang of loneliness struck her at his departure. The castle felt safe when he was around. Everywhere did. She didn’t understand it, but she knew he’d been the one to save her life in the catacombs.
“Nothing attacked you, did it?” she asked Frayvar.
“No, but the castle was being eerie, and that’s harder to stomach when you’re alone.” He pointed at her crutch. “I didn’t realize you’d been hurt that badly. Did something attack you? Or did you fall and break your leg?”
“I both fell and was attacked. No broken bones though. Hopefully, bites don’t take long to heal.” As appealing as having an excuse to curl up in bed with her books was, there was so much left to do before they could open their new establishment that she didn’t like the idea of struggling to get around. It would be easy to feel sorry for herself and succumb to one of her funks, as Frayvar called them, but she couldn’t. They didn’t have a fallback plan. There was no one here to take care of them if they ran out of money and failed. And going home probably still wasn’t an option.
“Attacked by what?”
“Have you heard of fur sharks?”
“Certainly. I’ve got books on marine life of the North Dakmoor Sea and the fresh waters of the kingdom and beyond. I did a report on furred water creatures in school.”
“Of course you did. You probably wouldn’t have been foolish enough to jump into an underground pool where such things live.”
“No,” he agreed. “Why did you?”
“I fell more than I jumped in. I was being chased by men who were going to…” Kaylina stopped, not wanting him to have reason to be even more concerned about the castle. “Well, they’re rebels, and they’re setting up for a plan that involves a lot of explosives. And I mean a lot.”
“You didn’t use your sling on one of them, did you?”
“On one? No.”
“On two?” he asked.
“It’s like you know me.”
“We’ve been siblings my entire life.”
“Keep in mind that we’re not vigilantes or crime fighters,” Frayvar said. “Leave that to the rangers. I put together a menu for our debut dinner and made a list of ingredients. Are you… still going to be able to carry my groceries?”
“Lopsidedly, probably, but yes. The ranger doctor gave me painkillers that taste like dehydrated horse droppings.”
“If that’s true, Grandpa’s hounds would love them.”
“Probably so.” Though it was cold outside, the castle was rarely much warmer, and she noticed he had a blanket. She sank down beside him, sticking her leg straight out and leaning against the stone wall. “I’m feeling overwhelmed,” she admitted.
In front of Vlerion and the other rangers, Kaylina had striven to appear strong, but she didn’t feel as compelled to put up a facade for her brother.
“I’ve heard shark bites will leave one feeling daunted. And perforated.” Frayvar shared half the blanket with her.