Page 80 of Vacation Friends
“That sounds like a tall order.” Hesitation marred her voice. “Most people aren’t going to admit to anything.”
“I know. Believe me, I know.”
“I could talk to some people who work at Benchmark,” Adrienne offered. “Get the office gossip, so to speak.”
“I could never ask you to do that.”
“It’s going to be easier for me. I talk to people at the company all the time. As an assistant, most of the employees don’t even notice me.”
She had a point but . . . “I can’t pull you into this.”
“I want to help. I can see what I can find out.”
Maddie studied Adrienne’s face, still hesitant to accept the offer. “Are you sure?”
“I’m positive. I’m going to keep my eyes peeled and my ears open.”
“Whatever you do, don’t put yourself in danger. Promise me.” Maddie stared her friend dead in the eye to drive home her point.
Adrienne nodded. “I promise.”
Before the concert ended, Maddie started back to her room. As she headed through the lobby toward the corridor leading to the west wing, movement ahead caught her eye.
Someone had quickly darted out of sight.
She was pretty sure it was a woman in a red dress.
Maddie quickened her steps to get a better look. This person couldn’t have gotten very far away. Maddie should be able to catch up.
She paused at the corner and peered around it as she searched for the mystery woman.
Her breath caught as she spotted her.
It was just as she’d thought.
The woman had left the concert, and now she was headed to the west wing of the resort.
Was that because her room was this direction? Or was she headed this way for another purpose? Maybe to see Josh? To wait for him in his room?
Maddie slowed her steps, curious about what the woman was doing.
But she kept a steady pace behind her, making sure her steps were quiet. Every time Logan glanced behind her, Maddie ducked out of the way.
She followed the woman up the stairs.
To the fourth floor.
As Logan turned another corner, Maddie crept closer. Her heart pounded in her ears with anticipation.
She paused at the next hallway, knowing a long stretch was ahead with no place to hide. She couldn’t show her hand now. Instead, she peered around the corner.
Just as Maddie thought, it looked like Logan was headed . . . to Josh’s room.
A door to another room opened behind her, and Maddie ducked back behind the wall. She plastered on a casual smile at the man who emerged and started in the opposite direction.
The door slammed behind him.