Page 81 of Vacation Friends
When Maddie glanced back at Logan, the woman was hurrying down the hallway, away from Josh’s suite.
Was that because she’d been spooked? Or had she never planned on stopping at Josh’s room at all?
It was impossible to know, and Maddie vowed not to jump to conclusions. But it was hard not to given the circumstances.
As Maddie hurried toward her suite, her thoughts continued to churn.
It had felt good to tell Adrienne about her fears. The woman seemed trustworthy. But Maddie was still surprised by Adrienne’s statement concerning Brody.
Were Brody and Danny really alike?
Maddie just couldn’t see it. But everyone could put on their best face for a short time. As you got to know people, their true colors usually emerged.
Maybe Brody wasn’t an exception to that.
However, Maddie thought she’d seen something real and sincere in him. Part of her hoped her assessment was true. It was nice to believe good people were still out there.
That belief had died sometime over the past couple of years.
Since her Poppy died.
Since she’d moved to New York.
New York had been a mistake.
Maddie had told herself city life wouldn’t change her. But since she’d begun dating Josh, she’d found herself morphing into someone she didn’t even recognize. She’d turned into a person who liked nice clothes. Who rubbed elbows with self-important people. Who preferred to eat at certain kinds of restaurants.
How had that even happened?
Then there was her accident. It had reminded her of what was important.
Only Josh wasn’t on the same wavelength. He didn’t like the changes Maddie had begun to put in place for herself. That had caused a rift between them.
Still, it was better if these differences happened now than if they happened later.
People were multifaceted, and change was a part of life. But if Maddie ever got married, it needed to be to someone who would accept her, no matter what phase she was in.
She reached the door and used her bracelet to enter the room. But as soon as she stepped inside, she spotted another folded piece of paper on the floor.
Her stomach dropped.
It looked an awful lot like the other note that had been left for her.
She closed the door behind her, her arms beginning to tremble.
Dreading what she would find, she picked up the note and slowly opened it.
Inside, there was a picture.
Of her.
Twelve years ago.
Only it wasn’t just any picture. It was the mugshot from when she’d been arrested.