Page 3 of Reaper
He sighs and grabs the helmet from the back of Dad’s truck. It’s the one Dad insists I use when I’m on the four-wheeler.
I stand still as Reaper slides it over the top of my head. We’ve been close before, but never like this, not with him attending to me. He smells like pine and spice of some sort, and his fingertips brush against my skin as he tightens the straps in place.
I feel like an idiot. I want to let my hair blow free, but if this is what I need to do to get on this bike and ride away, I’ll do it.
He climbs on and kicks up the stand. “Come on, little cat. Let's go before I change my mind!”
Heart pounding, I hold on to his wide shoulders and balance my way onto the bike, wrapping my arms around his waist before he kicks off and the wind blows against my skin. I don’t know where we’re going, but I don’t care… because I’ve never felt more alive in my life.
Chapter Two
Mabel holds tight to my waist as we go flying down the mountain. I take it easy on the curves, but I know what a sheltered life she lives, and I want her to have some actual fun. She deserves it. Hell, at her age, I’d already torn up half the country. She hasn’t even left the county. The worst part is, I know this version of her isn’t the real Mabel. The real Mabel fizzled away when her mother passed.
We move along the edge of the forest and swing past the grazing cattle on Baxter’s farm. Hawks fly overhead and the swish of the wind flowing past us lends to the scent of flowering weeds along the side of the road up ahead.
I’m tempted to pull over because I know how much she’d like to wander in the field of wildflowers, but selfishly, I’m not ready for her to let go yet. Her tiny little frame feels so good pressed up against me. When else could I ever make this happen? It’s sick, the thoughts I have about this girl.
At night, alone in bed, I imagine her thick frame pressed up against me. I imagine holding her close, keeping her safe. I imagine the velvet touch of her smooth body. I imagine my tongue gliding across her pussy lips, sinking in against her clit.
For years, I’ve thought this way.
I’m pretty sure that makes me the worst kind of asshole. What man falls in love with his best friend's daughter?
I laugh to myself at the thought of me loving Mabel. I didn’t intend for it to happen. Fuck knows I didn’t intend anything I feel for her. But knowing Mabel the way I do, how is it possible that every man in town isn’t in love with her? She’s beautiful, sweet, down to Earth, and she cares so fucking much that she’d rather suffer herself than be happy.
Someone has to save her from that.
That someone is me.
I’ve known her dad since we were kids, and I know the guy has had a hell of a time lately, but holding his daughter hostage isn’t the way to make life right again. If I knew how to get Mabel out of it all without jumping to the most violent conclusions possible, I’d have done it already.
The trouble is… my life has been set up for violence. It’s all I know. In the MC, I’m the guy they call to clean up the scene. I’m the guy they call when they want someone… taken care of. I’m the guy that doesn’t have attachment to things like life and death because I’ve never had anything to live for.
Even with all the feelings I have for Mabel, I still don’t think my life is worth a damn. In fact, it’s the opposite. Wanting her is wrong, needing her is worse, and the fact that she’s on the back of my bike with her hips pressed against me, it’s more than I can take.
I need to stop this now, or I’m going to implode.
I pull the bike off the side of the road into a turnaround spot that overlooks the mountains in the distance. We’ve already passed the field of flowers, but I need to turn around or take a break. A distant break. A break where Mabel wanders through the field and I check my phone for messages or do a mindless scroll. I need anything to distract me.
She climbs down from the bike and pulls off the helmet, shaking her long strands of chocolate hair into the fresh mountain air. There’s a smile on her face, wide and beaming.
My cock aches.
“Oh my God! That was incredible!” Her voice shakes as though she’s high on adrenaline.
It reminds me of my first ride. I was fifteen, and I stole my dad’s bike late one night and took it for a spin. I took that thing riding for hours and went as fast as the gauge would let me. I blew past stop signs, went off-roading, and nearly hit a tree, but by the time I got back, my knees were shaking for more.
Mabel jumps up and down, clapping her hands together as her heavy breasts bounce.
I look away, but as I do, she crashes into me, wrapping her arms around my neck with force. I’m a big guy, but her energy knocks me back a little.
Instinctively, my arms wrap around her waist, and I pull her in. She smells like hay and strawberries. “I did not expect that to be so incredible! No wonder you ride that thing everywhere.” She jumps again, scrubbing her frame against mine. I’m sure it’s unintentional, but it arouses me just the same. Her eyes meet mine and in a moment of excitement, she leans in and kisses me.
It's quick at first and I’m not sure how to handle it.